C H A P T E R 24

Começar do início

"I'm a sucker for your air kicks, senorita." He praised, shooting one man and snapping another one's neck at the same time.

Damn! He looked hot while fighting.

"Behind!" His eyes went wide in horror.

I blindly prodded my elbow behind and felt some ribs breaking by the blow. A grunt roared into my ears convey how close the attacker was to me. As a reflex, I hit him back with my forearms.

The brown jacket passed me an impressive stare, his brows raised up in awe. "No wonder Caleb was obsessed with you."

"What!" Raf and I both interjected in unison and then exchanged looks.

So this was the Invisible Army.

Honestly, I'm not surprised. It doubted them to be from the Shrouded bitch's Army or Luca's men.

"Do you know their identity?" Rafael smashed a fallen spy's face. He didn't answer. He repeated the process. He still didn't answer.

I got distracted by it and the brown jacket guy used it to his advantage. A loud yelp escaped from my lips when he roughly gripped my hair, pulling me into him. His arm clamped around my throat and I felt a cold metal press against my temple.

"No! Vittoria!" Rafael's voice came out as a quivering whisper.

"Drop your weapons." The man demanded.

No! No! No! This can't be happening.

"Okay, okay." Rafael raised his arms up cautiously, slowly bending down to drop his gun.

"Rafael, no! Don't!" I screamed.

"Shut up." Another man slapped my cheek which now burned, contrasting to the cold I was feeling.

"You're going to fucking pay for this." Rafael snarled, his eyes red with rage.

"Cute." The guy holding me remarked. "Tie him up. Boss wants him alive."

"Who is your boss?" I tried yet again. "Look we just need Camila back. We promise we won't have to do anything with the Visitant."

Panic shot up when I saw them pull Rafael's hands back, securing them in a handcuff. We're losing this.

"I'm sorry." I mouthed.

Soon, I felt the metal rings clamp against my wrists as well. The gun was still pointed at my head as they pushed us forward to the stairs.

Rafael was deceivingly quiet. I couldn't figure out what was going on in his head. One thing was sure, he was super mad. The dangerous kind of mad.

"So.." The man dragged out as we made our way to a black car. "Did you have sex with Caleb?"

Now he wants to small talk?

"I'm so going to enjoy killing you." Rafael seethed at him.

"What's your name?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Ben." The brown jacket guy smiled sweetly.

"So Ben," I returned his smile. "That's none of your business."

"Hey, that's rude!" Ben retorted.

"Please Ben, you must know about Camila. We're ready to negotiate." I pressed.

"How about we take you and release her? Your boyfriend does it that way, right?" He mocked Rafael.

Does he have any idea how much trouble he's inviting for himself?

Rafael simply glared at him. He was silent. That was bad. Very bad.

"Ouch! Didn't your mama teach you any manners?" I yelled as he shoved us into the huge SUV.

Esztar Is FallingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora