Chapter 19 ✔️

Start from the beginning

His face twisted into a sneer. "I don't care if you think you can't, but you will." He paused, taking a step towards me. I resisted the urge to cower. "So, Turn."

I scowled. Maybe it was the thrill of my earlier revelation, or maybe it was just plain stupidity, but part of me wanted nothing more than to rebel. I levelled my gaze with Zion's.

"No," I said, with a kind of finality similar to my mother's. Zion blinked. After a few moments of stunned silence, rage flashed through his eyes. "What?" he asked, a dangerous edge to his tone. 

"No," I said again. "I'm not gonna Turn, and I'm telling you that now. Let's just agree not to waste our time here."

Zion went wholly still. Then, quicker than the eye could track, he stood a step towards me, and it took everything in me to not react. 

"Do not disobey me," he hissed. "I don't care if you think you can't, you will  try."

Despite the cold sweat breaking out on my back, I swallowed, shaking my head. "No," I said again. "I won't."

The man's body relaxed a tad, something close to an exasperated smile on his face as he nodded. Then, quicker than I could anticipate, crushing dread filled every inch of my body. I yelped, dropping to the floor. Zion's eyes were locked on mine, his face contorted with rage. It took me a moment to realize that his eyes had gone golden, which could only mean one thing.


"Do not defy me!" he snapped, voice impossibly loud in my ears. I wanted to run, to scream, but I was rooted to the spot. Pricking anxiety ran in waves over my skin, my throat impossibly tight. My diaphragm convulsed as I struggled to draw in air, its spasms in time with the erratic drum-beat in my ears.

A strangled yelp escaped my throat as Zion took another step towards me, his Ageto squeezing me in its iron grip. His golden eyes bore into mine, and through my doubled vision I could feel myself disconnecting further and further from reality. Through my dread-fogged mind, I could feel something rising from the icy panic in my veins: a strange buzz. It leeched out my bones and thrummed through my core, sending spasms throughout my body. It pumped through my veins, raw and powerful, demanding I find a way out -- an escape. It pushed painfully against the underside of my skin, and at that moment I truly thought I'd be ripped apart from the inside out.

Zion took another step towards me. The strange power rose in response, as though resisting his pressure. He was yelling at me, but I couldn't hear anything. All I could hear was the loud bang in my ears, the deafening roar that intensified with every second, rising in time with the thrum of my body. I felt my mind hanging on by a thread, losing itself to something that seemed primal; instinctive. I gazed into Zion's golden eyes, and in that moment only one desire roared through me.


I balled my hand into fist, allowing the power the travel to my arm as I swung. His eyes widened for the briefest of moments as my fist connected with his chest, bones cracking asunder, before he was thrown back several yards. As the Ageto lost its grip on me, I collapsed to my knees, gasping as the strange thrum dwindled within me. I felt it retreating into my bones, leadening in the centers, leaving me heavy and weak. 

Zion hit the ground with a thud. He lay there in stunned shock for a few moments before scrambling to his knees, backing away from me with wide green eyes. His body shook, and I didn't know if it was from fear, shock or anger.

"Monster!" he sputtered, backing away. He clutched his chest with a wince. "How dare you attack your superior! We should have killed you when we had the chance!"

I just stared back in shock, panting as residual panic pulsed its way through my veins. Where the hell had that power come from? How had I managed to throw Zion so far? It seemed Zion was wondering the same thing, too, for he was glaring at me with something between shock and fear

We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, watching carefully, waiting for the other to attack. Zion was the first to break the silence.

"Leave and do not come back," he hissed, voice cracking. "Attacking your superior is a great offence, and as a result you have been exiled from this pack!"

My heart sunk. I wanted to scream, to deny him, but all and any words died on my tongue.

It seemed Zion saw my reluctance, for something close to glee formed in his gaze. "Yeah, that's right, Epsilon," he hissed, a slight shake to his voice. "You're a danger to the pack. No one wants you here, and I think you knew that already."

He pointed towards the forest. "So fuck right off!"

For a few moments, I simply gawked at him. His chest rose and fall erratically, eyes wide and wary. Though he tried to hide it, he was terrified; terrified and shocked. Slowly, I got to my feet. I was shocked, too. Part of me wanted to beg him for forgiveness, but by the absolute hatred burning away in his gaze, I knew that was not an option. Tears stung my eyes as I turned on my heels, sprinting for the tree-line.

Not once did I look back. 


DAYMMM... what a chapter. Things are heating up.

What did you guys think of Kyra's sudden spark of power? What do you think caused it? Did Zion deserve the punch?

What do you think will happen now she's been exiled? Will the Alpha help her, or will he stand by his Beta? What will she do now?


~ 𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤, 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 + 𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 ~

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