Sure enough, that was his dad's 'new' pickup. They stopped and both brothers got out, each opening a tiny rear door that led to an even tinier back seat. Tristan sat behind Rae, as he closed the door. Tristan had already figured out how to sit in the back of this thing, as we took a drive in my Chevy truck. He sat sideways, crossing one leg on the bench, while I had a tough time getting into the back seat. Eventually I got in, but it was a tight fit, and Dylan had his seat almost all the way back. I nearly got a cramp just trying to imitate how Tristan sat in the tiny bench seat. I noticed this one wasn't a stick, but it had an automatic.

"Our dad just got this today, and he wants us to take it out on a test drive." Rae says, "He has the other one he uses for work. But we get to play with this one tonight." Rae started the engine. 

[ff to :57 for the startup and diesel sounds, and 2:41 for driving]

This was also Tristan's first time in a diesel truck as well, and my second, besides the school bus. Rae adjusted the mirror so that he could see me while we're driving, and I could tell he was into my outfit I was wearing, especially the tank top and jacket combo.

We finally got to the town, and the first stop made is the movie theatre. Tristan let out a big stretch, considering this is a two-hour drive, while both brothers rode in total comfort up front, while we got the tight end in the back seat. At least it felt good standing on hard ground once more as we got out of Rae's truck. We went inside the theatre, and it was packed. There were a lot of people this Saturday night. 

Must be a good movie premiering tonight. I thought. The four of us waited in line for what felt like eternity, until it was our turn. 

"How many in your party?" The pimply kid behind the kiosk asked.

"Four," Rae proudly proclaimed, holding up four fingers. Then he wrapped his arm around my neck. We paid for our tickets, and there was an even longer line inside the theatre lobby for the snacks. Dylan jumped up and down, his hands were down between his legs, as if he wants to go to the bathroom.

"I told you not to drink all those Monster drinks on our way here," Rae scolded his brother. He then looked at the long line in front of us. 

"Hurry up and go over there." Unfortunately, the men's room was closed off and the door was wrapped with "CAUTION" tape, and that only left the women's restroom open. Talk about your worst nightmare, unless if it was a gas station. But we were in a very crowded movie theatre, and it would be very, very awkward just to walk into the women's room. But for poor Dylan, he had no choice, as he booked it to the restroom. Soon, there were muffled screams, and some of the women quickly rushed out of there, while Tristan and I raised an eyebrow at the embarrassing situation in front of us.

Dylan emerged from the restroom, clearly relieved, like the old man from the movie Next Friday, after he was done using the restroom, and saying he was "5 pounds lighter". 

We got to the snack counter, and to be honest, its been awhile since I've been to this theatre. Everything seemed, bigger. Newer, even. Both Rae and Dylan got the biggest Coke cup, while Tristan and I pondered over what kinds of candy to eat, and we, too, also would share that big cup of Coke.

$10 for a giant cup of Coke?! Wow. Even the drinks for a decent size at the fairs are a bit cheaper. At least the movie-sized candy bars are worth it. Meanwhile, Rae got a giant tub of popcorn, and he was hugging it with his right arm, and eating it, while Dylan got the candy bars and their drink.

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