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You looked up from your crouched position to see a familiar muscular form standing above you. The black haired man smirked and lifted your chin with the tip of his steel-toed boot. "I here you are running your mouth to some detective. And after we all trusted you, dear Y/N." Chrollo smirked and put his foot on your chest, pushing you to the floor. "We don't think fondly of snakes like you." He dug his heel into your chest, making you cough harshly.

"I didn't sell anyone out. I had plenty of chances but I didn't. Because I'm not a snake like you think I am." You hissed in pain, wriggling beneath the stronger males sharp boot. "And she has a name. Rowan is helping me find my lost sister, someone you guys could've killed." You stared at the man in hatred as the idea of your sisters bloodied body lying on the floor flooded your mind. "Even if I wanted to tell her about you guys, I would just get in trouble myself." You wheezed as he dug his heel deeper into your chest.

"I don't appreciate liars." He took his shoe off of your chest, much to your relief. "Feitan, make sure she can't get away. I'll have some questions to ask her later." You watched in anticipation as Feitan nodded and hardly yanked you by your arm, dragging you to another room. You knew Feitan was a torturer. He was famous for it. This was the first time you genuinely feared him. "Oh, and don't torture her just yet." He called out and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Feitan just clicked his tongue and continued taking you to another room.

He brought you into a rather empty room except for some chains on the wall. "You be a good girl and I not need to use those." He pointed to the chains and threw you onto the floor with a loud huff. As you struggled to scoot over to a wall and sit up, Feitan just walked over to the door and sat down in front of it, staring at you with narrowed eyes, tracking every little moment.

"Jesus can you untie these damned ropes on my arms. I can feel them cutting into my skin." You grumbled and tried to shuffle your hands out of them a but, which didn't work. Feitan just stared at you for a moment before shrugging.

"Figure it out yourself." He pulled out the book from before out of his pocket and began reading, occasionally glancing up at you. You huffed and sharpened your nail, struggling to cut the rope. You sighed in relief when you felt the pressure around your wrists release and you could relax. You brought your hands in front of you, staring at the rashes and small cuts on your wrists from the rope digging into your skin.

"You know she's going to find me. And when she does, she's gonna destroy your troupe." You hissed at Feitan and pulled your knees up to your chest, resting your head atop them.

"You keep believing that." He replied, not looking up from his book to spare you a glance.

"I don't understand why you don't have any faith in her. Are you that confident in yourself. God, you're so full of yourself. Your pride will be the death of you. How does it go 'beware: it goeth before the fall."  Your words were full of bitterness, but even then, you couldn't help but feel bad. We're you being to harsh?

Feitan didn't reply, he just looked up at you, a wondering expression on his face before he looked away. He was hiding something from you, and you could tell.

A cold breeze washed over you and you hugged yourself tighter, trying to warm yourself. Feitan watched you and smirked. "You're such a baby, Y/N." You glared at him, shivering a bit.

"What? I'm not allowed to get cold?" You angrily spat back, sticking your tongue out at him.

"That's not it. You're weak because you let others see your weakness. And you rely to much on others. If anything, you have to much pride, it's just not in yourself. It better to trust yourself too much than to rely on other person too much. Your trust in others is what will kill you."

"Oh, well thanks for the life advice." You spoke with a sour tone and rolled your eyes, looking back towards your hands. You brought them together to form a dog again, and in a spilt second, Feitan was standing before you with his sword pointed toward your hands.

"Whatever you're thinking, don't." He demanded, pressing the sword down just enough to draw a bit of blood.

"I'm not gonna try to attack you, I'm just gonna use it to warm me up a bit." You murmured and glared up at him before mumbling the activation words, watching in anticipation as your aura began to take form into the giant wolf-like figure from before. As soon as the dog saw Feitan, it barked happily and wagged its tail, trying to lick him. He stared at the dog, almost in disgust and walked back to the door, sitting in front of it and returning to reading. You called the fluffy dog over to you and it barked happily in reply, curling up next to you. You gently pet I and snuggled into its warm fur. "Now I just have to focus on getting you to stay instead of disappearing again." You chuckled and rubbed its tummy, watching as its tongue lolled out onto the floor, and it's tail wagged quickly, slapping against the wall with a loud thwap. You slowly began to feel your eyelids droop, and you quickly fell asleep.

Not much longer after that, you were awakened by the sound of chains rattling, you looked around to see your captor putting your hands behind your back and putting them into the chains attached to the wall. You looked over to see the dog you had conjured with a collar around its neck, also connected to the wall by chains. You glared back at Feitan, trying to pull your hands from the chains.

"What are you doing? Let go!"

Feitan clicked the lock together, ensuring you wouldn't be able to wiggle out. "I have to leave for a bit, so be a good girl for me, okay?" He teased and stood up, heading to the door. As you came to your senses a bit more, you could hear loud shouts and then a few gunshots. "Your savior is here." He smirked and then left you there, cold and chained up, unsure of what in the hell was going on.


AN: Okay listen, I know that the nen ability is a bit confusing and weird and innacurate to specialist abilities, but tbh I have no clue how that stuff works, I just didn't know what category to put y/n on , but just wait, it gets better 😭 trust the process bb

Loving A Spider (Feitan x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu