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"Now, Y/N..."  Rowan hummed and opened up the folder.

"I believe... I have a lead on your sisters disappearance." Rowan pulled out a smaller packet from inside the folder and detached a small picture from a paperclip. She handed it to you. It was undeniably your sister. Her smile, her glowing eyes, her hair. But... this picture wasn't recent. It was taken a few days before her disappearance at her school.

Your sister was 15 at the time she was abducted. She went to the local high-school and worked a part time job to support the two of you. One day, she just up and vanished. No clues, no notes, she left everything at home. That was all 4 years ago.

"Now, I know you and your sister were very close. You practically raised her. So... is there anything you can tell me, anything that might lead to connecting the dots. Was she involved in any gangs? Was she rebellious? Did she do drugs? None of these questions are going to get you or her into trouble." You gulped and looked down at her picture, feeling a few tears well up in your eyes.

"With all do respect, Ma'am, but you seem to have my sister all wrong. She was a Straight A student. She had a part time job. She was practically a perfect child. She never committed any crimes, never did any drugs, nothing! She didn't run away, either. That's what all you investigators seem to think." You took a deep breath and placed the picture back down.

"I get asked the same questions every time I come in here. And I give the same answer every time. I'm tired of you guys doubting mine or my sisters integrity. So if you're just going to ask me the same questions I've been asked a million times, then I will gladly take my leave."

Rowan glanced at you, a bit shocked about how assertive your words were.

"Well, I ask these questions because I actually have a lead this time. You see, there has been a bit of commotion in the Mafia recently." She hummed and grabbed some more photos. "There was an auction recently. These are some photos taken by undercover officers. Now, there was an attack at this auction. And we're unsure if your sister made it out alive, but almost everyone there disappeared." Rowan handed the photos to you. In each and every one of them, a familiar figure was in frame. You studied the woman's face and sure enough.

"That's her. That's my sister." Your voice was shaky as a tear dripped down onto the table. "D-does that mean that sh-she's-" You couldn't even choke out the word. You didn't want to think of your sisters mangled body on the floor. "What do you mean attack?"

Rowan sighed and brushed some hair from her face. "Well, we believe it has some ties with the Phantom Troupe. Only someone as powerful as them could make thousands of Mafia members disappear." 

Your mouth went dry. The Phantom Troupe. You slammed your fist on the desk and stood up. "Th-thank you Ms. Rowan." Your voice trembled and you struggled to keep composed. "P-please... I want to find her. I want to find my sister."

Rowan stood up and walked next to you. "Of course, Y/N. Now, I can't exactly do much more unless I open the case again. I need a few more hands on deck." She pulled out a small card from her pocket. You recognized it immediately. A Hunters license. "Are you a Hunter by any chance?"

"N-no, but I'm willing to do anything to help." You looked up at Rowan, a bit of the diminishing hope beginning to reawaken.

"Well, you're in luck. The next exam is coming up. You better get training. I need another Hunter on the team." She winked at you. A hopeful smile spreading across your face.

"We're going to find her!"


AN: Okay listen, listen. I know the timeline isn't 100 percent accurate, but plot convenience. I know it was a little while after the York New auction before the next exam started, but still, I don't feel like doing a year long timeskip. So yeah, please forgive me 😭

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