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Each time there was a gunshot heard in the distance, you jumped, the images of the dead Phantom Troupe members flashing in your head. "Wh-why do I care if they die? They kidnapped me!" You mumbled to yourself, trying to calm your shaking body. "She's here. She's going to come save me and then we can keep looking for sis. She's going to save me." You kept repeating that to yourself, waiting for the moment when Rowan would come breaking down the door, your knight in shining armor.

Much to your delight, you heard hurried footsteps approaching the door. You looked up to see the door slowly creeping open and the familiar red-haired woman standing in the doorway, a pistol in hand.

"Rowan!" You cheered and yanked against the chains, falling backwards when you tugged to hard. Rowan watched you struggle for a moment, almost smirking. "I'm sure you know how to pick a lock or something? You're a conjurer, right? So you can conjure something to break these chains! And the-then we can get out of here. Right?"

Rowan stood there for a moment and watched you ramble on excitedly. You looked over at the wolf to your left, which was growling and baring its teeth at Rowan with hostility you had never seen before. "Y-you are here to save me? Right?"

"Mmmmmh, no." Rowan answered simply, slowly walking towards you, heels of her boots tapping against the concrete. You watched with curiosity and confusion as she approached your cowering form.

As she got closer, the dog jumped up and snapped at her, just narrowly avoiding her right arm. She glared at the dog and took the end of her pistol, smacking it in the head, causing the dog to whimper and cower away in pain. "Hey! What the hell, Rowan?" You shouted, fists balling up angrily. Rowan just narrowed her eyes at you, taking her boot and kicking you square in the stomach.

You coughed and spit out some blood onto the floor beside you.

"Looks like they went for the bait. I think you deserve a thank you, Y/n, for helping me find the troupe." She smirked and crouched down, gripping your chin harshly.

"Wh-what? Do you mean you were just using me? What about my sister? Did you find her? What is going on?" Everytning was jumbling up in your brain, and you could barely comprehend anything. The woman above you just laughed and let go of you.

"Y/n, do you know how many people go missing every year? Around 100,000 people every year. What makes you think that your sister would stand out amongst those people?" She smirked and stood up again. "I bet the Phantom Troupe contributes to quite a majority of those missing people. And yet you were all buddy buddy with them about 3 months ago." She delivered another gut-wrenching kick to your stomach, making you lose your breath for a second.

"B-but you said you took interest because her case w-was involved with the Mafia! Wh-what about those photos!" You tried scooting as far away from her as you could.

"Oh, dear Y/n. You are so naive! I was honestly surprised how easy it was to convince you that those pictures were real! Photoshop really does work wonders." Rowan giggled and took her gun, putting it in a holster around her waist. "Your sister was probably kidnapped by some murderer or creep. She's dead by now." Rowan seemed to take some kind of sick pleasure in the tears that spilled from your eyes.

"So you were just using me? A-and for what? So you could find the Phantom Troupe? Is your job really that important to you?"

"It is not just about my job. These people are monsters. They killed my parents, all for some expensive jewels. You were just a pawn in my big scheme to find them." She crouched down in front of you, grabbing your head and then proceeding to slam it into the floor. "And that is why you disgust me. You were all friendly with these... these monsters! And you knew what they were capable of! And yet, you ignored it, for what? To feel cool? I bet that little shorty is good in the bed, huh?" You couldn't help but feel anything but hatred for Rowan in the moment.

"So then you know how it feels? For someone you love to be taken from you? And yet, you used that against me. You're the one who's sickening." You growled and swung your legs out, kicking Rowan and causing her to fall over, face first into the floor.

She shouted angrily and stood up, grabbing her gun and a getting on top of you, pinning you to the floor. "I won't hesitate." She pointed the gun to your temple. "You make me sick. You acted all innocent in front of me, knowing full well that you were running around with a band of... of monsters!" She spit in your face as she spoke, an unhinged look on her face. "If anything, your sister probably ran away. You're not of much use anyways. I wouldn't blame her." She smirked at you as tears streamed down your face.

You would have never guessed that Rowan could be this scary. As the cold gun pressed against your forehead, you felt all of your fighting spirit leave your body. Was she going to kill you? Or just leave you at the mercy of the Phantom Troupe. You closed your eyes, mumbling out a silent prayer. You were going to die either way.


AN: Whoooahh huge plot twist. Bet you didn't expect that, now did you?

Usyheiwie ughh I feel like this is poorly written but I'm going to try and make up for it in the next chapter I swear.

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