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After the two had finished baking, Y/N invited Feitan to stay for a while. She cleared all of the trash off of her coffee table and the two sat down on very far ends of the couch. Y/N handed Feitan the remote to her TV. 

"Since you're the guest, it's only fair to let you pick." She hummed and gave him a soft smile, tossing the remote at him which he caught easily. He switched on the TV and pondered for a moment, but then decided on a movie which looked a bit to scary for her taste. Y/N gripped onto a throw pillow, eyes glued to the screen. She was determined to prove herself to this basically stranger in her home. But every time someone died, or there was a jumpscare, she would let out a quiet yelp and bury her face in her pillow. Feitan would just look at her, and smirk. 

Y/N held back another squeak as some idiot in the movie got decapitated. Feitan just smirked and shook his head, trying to hold back his laughter. 

"You an idiot. You fall for cheap trick in movie. You're like a kid." He chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest. Just then, a horrible idea spawned in his mind,and he fought to hold back an evil smirk.

"Where is bathroom?" He turned to Y/N, whom pointed him to the bathroom. He passed through her room, eyes scanning the room a bit. He noticed a bookshelf, and a bulletin board with various pictures of the same girl. Curiosity piqued his interest, but he figured you would share with him on your own time. He decided to continue his plan and entered the bathroom, staying in for a minute or two before exiting. 

Y/N just sat there, nervously looking back and forth as if she expected the villain from the movie to pop out of a corner and kill her. Just then, the lights began to flicker. 

"Feitan?" Y/N called out nervously, clutching her pillow tightly to her chest. When she didnt recieve a reply, her heart nearly leaped out of her chest. "Feitan? This isn't funny! Stop it!" Y/N stood up, holding the pillow out like a shield when the lights flickered off. She wanted to scream, but her mouth was covered by a large, cold hand. 

"Boo." Y/N heard a monotone voice behind her, and her screaming stopped. She felt tears run down her cheeks, and Feitan gave a concerned look as he heard a sniffle. He let go of Y/N, unsure of what to do.

"YOU PRICK!" She shouted and turned around, trying to hit him with the pillow but he quickly dodged it. "I thought I was about to get killed! What is your problem!" She wasn't really aware that tears were streaming down her face as she continued to swing her pillow at the short man. 

"Why you crying? I just try to have fun?" He grabbed Y/N's pillow, halting her in her efforts to knock him over. 

"Why am I crying? I'm crying because I was just convinced I was about to get killed by a horror movie character. You knew exactly what you were doing!" She hissed, wiping tears with her sleeve. "You are so mean." She sniffled and leaned into him a bit, the adrenaline leaving her body. 

Feitan just kind of stood there, unsure of how to react. 

"Sorry." He murmured into his scarf, just loud enough for Y/n to hear. 

"I-It's okay. Just dont do that again, you jerk." Y/n mumbled, moving back to the couch. "I'm sorry too. For overreacting." She fumbled with the pillow as Feitan turned the lights back on and sat next to her. 

"Who is the girl? In your room?" Feitan looked back at the bedroom, eyes following the curtains blowing in the wind. 

"What are you talking about? What girl?" She tilted her head and Feitan grabbed her wrist, leading her to the room and towards the bulletin board. 

"Her. She look like you." He pointed at the biggest picture, carefully taking it off.

"Oh... that's my younger sister. She's been missing for a few years now. I'm not sure where she went, or why. I'm trying to figure it out." Y/n had a solemn look as she stared at the pictures and excerpts, all connected with red string and pins. "She's my only family. I took care of her after my parents died. And then one day, she just disappeared. Her apartment was completely wiped clean. None of her personal belongings were left. I'm sorry, I'm sure you don't care that much, it's not significant to you I'm sure." Y/N nervously chuckled, placing the photo back on the wall. 

"No, i help find her." Feitan delicately grabbed the picture, gently folding it and placing it in his pocket. "But only so you can't ask me for help later, got it?" Y/N chuckled, reaching to mess up his hair, although he smacked her hand away. 

"Yeah, whatever emo. Thank you." She smirked and went back into the living room, humming quietly and trying to ignore the sudden rage she had summoned in the tiny little chihuahua-like man.


Y/N sat at her empty cafe the next day, staring at the poster she had torn from the bulletin board. In her spare time, she tried to think of creative names to vandalize the paper with. She put "Emo kid" for Feitan, and "Blonde twink, pinkie pie, mommy milkers, ninja, pope wannabe, Walmart goth belle delphine, and wolverine" for a few people she didn't know. It made her laugh whenever she looked at it, smirking to herself. As she was lost in her thoughts, the bell above the door rang, making her quickly shove the paper in her bag. 

"Welcome! How can I-" She was cut off when she looked up, seeing a familiar, short, black-haired man rush in, glancing around as if he were looking for someone. His threatening gaze landed on her. 

"You, hide me. Under counter." He huffed and quickly jumped over the counter, crouching and hiding in one of the empty cupboards. 

"Hey, what are you doing? Why are you hiding?" She crouched down, opening the cupboard to see an angry little gremlin of a man, scrunched up in the cupboard. 

"Police see me! Now shhh!" She gave him a weird look, but closed the cupboard, sighing loudly.

"What did you even do to get the polices attention?" She kicked the cupboard, resting her chin in her hands.

"What you think? I thief! I steal thing." He huffed and she heard a bit of shuffling followed by a loud bang. "Owowow." He grumbled, and spoke in some kind of language she didn't understand.

Suddenly a loud clamor came from outside and a few police officers barged in, the door slamming into the wall and creating a hole.

"Have you seen this man?" The officer held up a poster with Feitans face on it. She studied the poster for a moment, thinking silently.

"If I were to turn him in, I would get the reward money. It'd be enough to live a more comfortable life if I spent it right. But... something tells me I don't want to. If I turn him in... I'll never see him again! No! Why do I care? I think I'm just confused. If I turn him in, his gang will come looking for me. Yeah, thats right. I can't turn him in now."

"No officer. I'll keep my eye out though." She nodded, a warm smile spread across her face.

"Alright ma'am. If you see him, call 911 right away. Do not engage. He is dangerous."

"Dangerous huh? How laughable." She fought to hold back a smirk.

"Yes officer. Thank you." She hummed and bowed her head. The officer just nodded and walked out. Y/N let out a deep sigh as soon as he left. Once the officer was a distance away, she rushed away from the counter and towards the hole in the wall, dramatic tears forming at her eyes.

"Oh that bastard! This is gonna be so expensive to cover up! And how am I going to cover it up? It's gonna look so ugly! Oh I am gonna kill that man!" Feitan retreated from the cupboard, standing behind her and touching her shoulder, causing Y/N to jump.

"I kill him for you? For thanks." He reached inside of his cloak, pulling out a knife. She placed a hand on his, pushing it back.

"No no, it's okay, I was kidding. Thank you though." She smiled and pat his head, causing Feitan to grumble angrily.


AN: hello lovelies <3 just to let everyone know, I will be using 2nd person pov from now on <3 eat water, drink food, do good in sleep, get good school :)

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