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"So you mean to tell me that you not only got involved with a criminal... but a criminal who is a part of the most infamous organized crime group? Y/N... what is wrong with you? Are you working with these people? How low are you stooping to even be around these people? Y/N, I have to tell the police. I can't let this happen." Menchi stared at you, each word and accusation making you shudder. You just stared at your feet, tears dripping and staining the concrete beneath you. 

"No! Please Menchi! It's my fault! Just don't get them in trouble!" You cried out, desperately trying to contain your shivers.

"Your fault? Y/N if they didn't want to get in trouble, they should have thought about that before they decided to be thieves and murderers." She spat and turned back to the two men. "I'm calling the police. And then giving all the reward money to you." She sighed. "I really shouldn't though. You've betrayed my trust and I don't know if I can ever forgive you for doing that and potentially putting us at risk." You shook violently, tears streaming down your face. You glanced at Feitan and Phinks.

You saw Phinks winding his fist back. Something felt off. Feitan stared at Phinks and then to you, and you swore you could've seen regret in his eyes.

"And then, you go and try to cover it all up as if I would-" her words were cut off when a fist connected with her cheek, sending her practically flying across the room.

"MENCHI!" You shouted and ran over to her, shaking her shoulders desperately. She was alive, however, she was unconscious. You felt a presence behind you and looked back, tears stinging your eyes.

"Come on." Feitan's voice suddenly seemed cold and unfamiliar. Your eyes squinted. This was his fault.

"No! I hate you!" You shouted angrily, hands balled up in fists. He seemed taken aback by your words. You stood up, heart practically beating out of your chest. "You did this to her? How does someone even have that kind of strength? I hate you! I trusted you!" Your words were sharp and dipped with poison.

"I'm sorry for this." At first, you thought he was apologizing for what he did to Menchi, but when he quickly moved behind you, faster than the human eye could see, you realized what he really meant. The last thing you felt was his hand connecting with your neck, and you fell into his arms.


You slowly blinked open your eyes, thanking God for the dim light of the hotel's desk lamp. You looked around without moving, unsure of whether you should make your consciousness known. You heard the bathroom door click open and immediately squeezed your eyes shut. You felt Feitans cold presence linger over your bed.

"I know you awake." He huffed, clicking his tongue and pulling up a chair to sit next to the bed. Your body relaxed, realizing you couldn't exactly argue. Your eyes slowly fluttered open. Feitan stared at you, the silence making you squirm.

"Let me go." You muttered, glaring daggers at him.

"Hm?" He tilted his head. "I'm not restraining you." He smirked, enjoying your frustrated expression.

"You know exactly what I mean. If I try to leave, you will stop me. Do not play dumb with me. I'm losing my patience." You sighed, propping yourself up on your elbows and staring at him.

"Ah, so mean. When you become so sour?" He had a mischievous smirk plastered on his thin lips.

"When your buddy punched my best friend into oblivion." You snarled, swinging your feet over the side of the bed so you didn't feel as vulnerable.

"And this is my fault how?"

"You could've stopped him! Done something! But instead, you just let it happen, and then tried to pry me away from her unconscious body! What if she died there?" Tears began to prick at your eyes at the thought of your best friend dying. "That's why I hate you."

"But do you really? Hate me... I mean." No. Don't ask that. That's the one question you couldn't answer.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... if I were to offer myself to you now, right here... would you still... hate me?" He smirked, and it took you a moment to understand what he meant. You felt your cheeks get hot. How could you answer that? Yes? No? Maybe? All these questions made you question your own judgment.

"And why would you have any reason to do that? Do you really need my validation that bad? You're nothing but trouble for me, and the same is with me." Words spilled from your mouth, dripping with anger.

"Perhaps... I do it, as an apology." He smirked and jumped from the chair, and in the blink of an eye, he had your hands pinned above your head, grip loosening when you hissed in pain.

"This doesn't seem like a very good apology. Frankly, I'm dis-" your words were cut off as his cold lips crashed into yours.

His lips, despite what you had imagined, were quite soft. You grunted in surprise, however, you didn't struggle. Why were you enjoying this? Was this what you really wanted? Your eyes fluttered closed as the kiss continued, filled with hunger. He held the kiss for as long as possible until he needed to gasp for air.

"You still hate me?" He smirked and released your wrists, placing his hands on the side of your head as you stared into his dark eyes. You didn't know how to answer that.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. I guess we'll never know." You smirked, ready to play your own game with him.

"You are such a child." He sighed and shook his head.

Loving A Spider (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now