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You got about 2 hours of sleep after the dream that night, but you didn't mind. Nothing could take your mind off of the dream. The ball, Menchi, the kiss. Everything was so perfect. It all blended together to create a beautiful symphony. And as much as you enjoyed it, your heart dropped at the thought that it would never come true. You'd never be a queen to a kingdom, and you'd never get to kiss Feitan like that. Sure, he was kind to you more than he was to other people, and there were those two times, but that's just because you were friends, right? yeah. Right. He had no romantic feelings for you, and you had no feelings for him. You guys were better off as friends. 

Even so, you couldn't stop the familiar ache of longing for something more. The feeling of holding him in your arms, of always being closer to him than you should, never ceased to linger in your mind. 

"no. I'm just lonely. Maybe I need more friends." You sighed, staring at yourself in the hotel bathroom mirror. "Maybe I should... go see Menchi. Check up on the cafe. God, she must be worried sick." You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. You had completely forgotten to call or even text her. She must be devastated. 

You hesitantly pulled out your phone, hovering over the contacts icon. "I should call her." You dialed her number from memory and pressed call, holding the phone to your ear. It barely started ringing when your familiar friend's voice picked up. 

"Y/N? Where are you? You haven't called, texted, or even been at your bakery! What is wrong with you? Did you get kidnapped? I'll call the police! Is it a hostage situation? Do I need to get Netero? Are you-" 

"Menchi, I'm fine. Really, I'm okay. As for my whereabouts, I don't know if I can tell you. However, I can come to see you if you desire!" You smiled at the fact of being able to see your friend after what seemed like so long. 

"Yes! Get over here! Right now!" She huffed and hung up, leaving you smiling to yourself like crazy. 

"Well fine then."


You chose to stay in the clothes Feitan gave you, as they were comfy and not dirty. You combed through your hair with your fingers and made sure it was out of your face, but besides that, there wasn't much you wanted to or could do to get ready. Not that you or Menchi minded anyways. 

"Feitannnn... I have an eensy teensy tiny little request. Just... hear me out. My friend, she's worried sick about me and wants me to come and see her but you know, I guess you're leader will kill me if I leave your sight. So... pretty pretty pretty please will you and the other dude come with me so I can see my friend? You two can like hide in the bushes or something." You whined, grabbing onto his arm and tugging to get his attention.You felt like a little kid asking for a parent's permission to go out with friends. Feitan glared at you, as you looked at him with wide eyes. "Do you need me to beg? Because I will!" Feitan sighed and shook his head. 

"Fine. But you can't say anything about Troupe hideout or anything, okay?" He sighed and pulled away from you, causing you to frown for a moment before smiling brightly when he turned to face you. 

"Yay! Thank you Feitan!" You giggled and hugged him tightly before quickly letting go. "Well, I'm ready when you are!" You brushed out the wrinkles on your clothes. 

"You not changing?" He tilted his head, glancing at the wrinkled clothes you had on. 

"No... should I?" You glanced down, a frown forming. "These are really comfy. And they aren't dirty. Why? Do you want them back? I can stop by my house on the way there and-"

"No. It fine. You keep them. They don't fit, they look better on you anyway." He sighed and turned around. "I tell Phinks." He walked off, presumably to tell Phinks about the outing, leaving you smiling softly.

The three of you left not soon after, you happily skipping alongside Feitan. 

"Ah, I'm so glad to see Menchi again! It feels like it's been forever even though it's only been a few days." You sighed, trying to hide your enthusiasm. "Lucky for you two, there are a few shrubs and trees you can hide in if you don't wanna be spotted. I would hate for you to get caught because of me." Well more so, you would hate for Feitan to get caught, you could care less about Phinks. 

"Y/N! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" You heard a familiar voice call out, causing you to jump a bit. You looked to your side, however, Feitan was already gone, along with Phinks. You smiled and practically ran over to Menchi, enveloping her in a hug. Why were you so happy? It had only been a few days. "God, Y/N! I thought you died! I even broke into your house and you weren't there. Then I came here and everything was unlocked and the kitchen was all messy, and I found this." She pulled something out of her pocket. 

It was a playing card. 

"No, I'm fine! See, not dead!" You smiled and grabbed the card from her hand, turning it over in your hand. It wasn't as sharp as it was when you encountered him.

"Yeah well, I didn't know that! I called you like ten times! Why haven't you answered? Where have you been?" She grabbed your hand, genuine concern spreading across her face. You sighed, frowning slightly. You hated to lie to your friend, but... you couldn't sell out Feitan, gourmet hunter or not. 

You felt like you were in a cartoon, with an angel on your left and a devil on your right. Except they were both right in their own way. You pondered for a moment. 

"Let's go inside, shall we?" You smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her inside. You flipped on all the lights as Menchi went to go sit at the booth in the corner. You heard a loud clattering in the back. Menchi jumped from the booth. "No, it's alright, I'll see who it is." You smiled and waved her off, much to her displeasure. you slowly crept back into the kitchen, flicking the lights on to see Feitan and Phinks staring at you. Phinks was standing up, trying to pull Feitan unstuck from the window. You struggled to hold in your laughs. "What are you guys doing."

"What does it look like?" Phinks retorted, giving you a glare. You sighed and set the card down, going over and pushing Phinks out of the way. You held Feitan up as his legs dangled on the outside of the window. 

"Your clothes are caught." You passed Feitans top half to Phinks as you gently reached over, grabbing his leg and yanking the fabric off of the hook it was attached to. "I tried to get it off without ripping to bad. Let me know if you want it fixed." You smiled and let go, and Feitan desperately scrambled into the kitchen through the window, muttering frustratingly. "Now respectfully, hide before I get you two in trouble." You turned to face Feitan, pointing to a seemingly cramped pantry. "That's you're best bet."

"Y/N? Are you okay back there?" Menchi called and you could hear her approaching footsteps. The two Spiders quickly took cover in the pantry, trying to make as little noise as possible. 

"Yeah! YEp! I'm fine!" You're voice cracked a bit. Menchi walked in, an unsheathed knife in her hand. 

"Ah, okay. You were back here so long, I was getting worried. What happened?" Menchi flipped the pocket knife closed and put it in her pocket. You glanced worryingly at the pantry, then to the open window. 

"A squirrel got in here somehow." You chuckled nervously, giving Menchi you're best 'im not guilty' smile. 

"A squirrel?" She crossed her arms, leaning to the side a bit. 

"Yep! A squirrel, feral little critter. I got him out though, so no need to worry!"

"So, you mean to tell me, a squirrel... opened your LOCKED window, threw a bunch of stuff on the floor, and then got shooed out?"

"Yep! Mhm! Exactly right!"

Menchi stared at you for a moment. 

"You're lying." She raided an eyebrow, and you quickly frowned, unsure of how long you could keep the lie up. 

"What? No I'm not!" You sighed, playing with a strand of your hair to distract your rising nerves. 

"That. There it is. That's how I know you're lying." She pointed at the strand of hair intertwined with your finger. 


What are you hiding from me?"

Loving A Spider (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now