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"I kill you." The familiar, black-haired man murmured, pressing the blade further against the taller man's neck, a small trail of blood falling down his neck. You watched warily, desperately trying to ignore the unbearable pain in your wrist. 

The magician simply laughed, staring at Feitan with an odd sort of hunger in his eyes. "Ah ah ah, you know Troupe members are not allowed to kill each other." Hisoka clicked his tongue. Feitan wanted to kill him or maim him, right there. But he knew he couldn't. not because of the troupe, but because of you. He didn't want to kill someone in front of you. He didn't want you to be scared of him. 

"Hisoka, if you come near Y/N again, I kill you. I no care what troupe say." He huffed and pulled his blade away from the man, who was now known as Hisoka. Hisoka stared at Feitan before smirking. 

"Yes of course. I would hate to be the victim of your wrath." He smirked, turned to face you, and winked. "Y/N dear, please take care." And with that, he was gone. You just stared in surprise, unsure of what to do. Feitan rushed to your side and gently grabbed your arm, examining your injured wrist. You were shocked by his gentle touch, but it didn't bother you. You were still in shock. You stared at the floor, trying to calm your quivering body.

"I-I'm weak." You murmured, suddenly wrapping your arms around Feitan, burying your head in his clothes. You sniffled, trying not to let your tears wet his clothes. Feitan just sat there, arms hanging at his side, unsure whether he should hug you back or let you do your thing. 

"What he do to you?" Feitan murmured, gently grabbing your arms and unwrapping them from him so that he could examine your mangled wrist. 

"I-I'm not sure. H-he was here when I got here. A-and then he cut me with a-a playing card. Th-then he j-just pinned me down, and st-started cutting my clothes. H-he said something ab-about your bloodlust? I-I'm sorry. I-I tried to fight back, but he was t-to strong. I shouldn't have invited you out here. I-it's just become a-an issue" God, you hated the way you stuttered like a little girl. You sat there, still unable to make eye contact with Feitan. Would he be mad because you were too weak?

"Why you apologize? It not your fault." He shook his head, gently wiping blood off of your cheek with his sleeve. You were hesitant to lean into his touch.

"Because... I should've been able to fight him off. But- but I just gave up. I'm weak. And now, I feel like it's just gonna cause trouble for you." You sighed and nervously clutched the cut ends of your shirt to cover up your exposed chest.

"It not your fault... you don't know nen. Of course you have trouble fighting back. But... still, Hisoka nen very powerful. He could hurt you just from willpower alone. I surprise you not more hurt." Feitan glared down at your wrist, unsure of what to do about it. "You come with me. I help your wrist." He gently grabbed onto your uninjured wrist and pulled you up, leading you out of the cafe. The only light you had was the spaced out shine of dim street lamps and the moon. You stared down at your feet, thankful for his unusually slow pace. You tentatively intertwined your fingers with his. He tensed a bit, but continued walking anyway.

The two of you soon arrived at what seemed to be an abandoned building. It was huge. Moss and vines covered its cracked and crumbled walls. He led you around the side and pushed some vines out of the way to uncover the door. Once you entered, the two of you immediately felt at least 6 pairs of eyes burning into you.

You looked up too see many somewhat familiar faces. It took a few seconds to register.

"You're the people from the poster!" You shouted, a satisfied look on your face. It didn't seem to register that you were surrounded by murderers and thieves. You were used to that by now. The people seemed to stare back at you in shock and confusion. 

"Hey Feitan... Who the fuck is this?" 

Loving A Spider (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now