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Your knees buckled over the edge of the bed, causing you to fall backward and pull Feitan down with you. He fell beside you, and you could barely hold back your laughter. 

"Ah- I'm sorry! I-" You stopped to laugh a bit more. "I should've been- paying attention to where I was going!" You clutched your sides, gasping for air in between laughs. Feitan just grumbled, glaring at you through squinted eyes. You turned your head to look at him, a joyful smile displayed across your face. It made his stomach churn, but in a good way. "See, the bed is big enough for both of us!" You giggled and nudged his shoulder. Feitan nudged you back, a bit harder, and thus, a playful fight began. You shoved him back and he fell off the bed, pulling you down on top of him. 

"Or, we could both sleep on the floor." You sighed and shook your head, smiling softly at him. His heart seemed to melt. Sitting on top of him, a mischievous idea popped into your mind as a smirk spread across your face. "I bet... a tough, scary man like you... is hiding a secret." Your hands reached to the side of his stomach. "I bet you are ticklish. I've never heard you laugh before. Like... a real laugh. I bet it'd be interesting." You smirked and began to tickle his sides, giggling as you did so. He did not react besides a bit of squirming.

"Aww... c'mon you're so stubborn!" You huffed and stopped tickling him, crossing your arms. "You could at least pretend like it tickles!" You pouted, staring down at him with a feign frown. "You're so mean." 

Feitan sighed and looked away for a moment before grabbing your waist and swiftly switching positions with you so that he sat above you. He stared down at you, his familiar mischievous smirk plastered on his face. "You're bold." He chuckled and his hands were placed around your head.

"This situation seems familiar. Gonna threaten me again?" You crossed your arms, eyes squinted. Feitan's fingers found themselves to your waist.

"Perhaps... I'll follow through this time." He grinned and began to tickle your sides, causing you to squirm and giggle.

"Stop it! That tickles! Stop!" You chuckled and tried to push him off, gasping for air between each giggle.

"I warn you... didn't I?" He smirked and continued to send you into a violent laughing fit.

"Okay! Okay! I get it!" You whined, trying to escape from beneath him.

Feitan clicked his tongue. "Ah. I want apology. Or else I won't stop." He smirked and looked at you, seeing tears from laughing so hard forming at the corners of your eyes.

"O-okay! Fine! Fine! I-I'm sorry for teasing you!" He stopped tickling you and you gasped for breath, grasping at your sides as soon as he stopped.

"Hm. I'll take it. Good girl." Feitan's words put butterflies in your stomach. He placed both his hands around your head. The dim light of the desk lamp shone on the left half of his face, illuminating his features for you to admire. You had to admit, he was quite good-looking. Your eyes drifted from his eyes to his lips, to his muscular shoulders, to his muscular abs. Your cheeks tinted pink, but you mentally slapped yourself. 

"No, stop! You're acting like a little high school girl. You don't even know him very well!" You sighed and looked away, trying to hide your red cheeks. Feitan cupped your cheek, turning your head to face him. He stared into your eyes. "Good girl." He murmured, seeming to be talking to himself more than anything. His fingers gently traced your cheek. 

"Hey, am I interrupting something?" You both looked over to the door to see a tall man with long, black hair and a sword attached to his back. "The boss wants to see you, but if you're busy I can tell him-" 

"No. I go see him. Stay here." He quickly stood up and brushed dust and dirt off of his knees. 

"He would like to speak to her as well." The man leaned against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. Feitan stopped in his tracks and glared at the musky man.

"No. She stay here. Boss doesn't need to talk to her." He glanced back at you, your confused gaze meeting his. 

"No no, it's okay! I... I can talk to him. You seem to like me well enough, why wouldn't he?" That's exactly what Feitan would be worried about. 

"Fine." He huffed and pushed past the tall man, grabbing your un-injured hand and pulling you along with him. 

"I can walk on my own, you know." You chuckled and detached your hand from his. He glanced back at you. "Plus, I don't want to embarrass you in front of your friends!" You smiled and walked side by side with him, humming cheerfully. Feitan just huffed, staring at his feet until the two of you had reached the room you entered in, and your eyes landed on the people around you. There was a short, black-haired girl, who was sitting down and chatting with a pink-haired girl, a very muscular man wearing barely anything, the familiar blonde man from earlier, and the unforgettable face of the man whom you hoped you would never have to see again. Hisoka smirked at you, a satisfied hum escaping his mouth. You wanted to puke. Feitan approached a tall pile of boulders and chunks of the wall. You followed after him, your eyes slowly tracing the pile and landing on the muscular man sitting atop the stack. The man looked down, and closed the book in his hand, setting it beside him and blowing out the candle next to him. 

"Ah! Y/N! What a pleasure to meet you! You've seemed to tie down our little assassin here, yes?" The man jumped down from the pile to stand in front of you two. Feitan glared at him, and you just laughed awkwardly. 

"Ah, sir, I'm not sure what you mean! I am just his friend! Although, I thank you for thinking I'm capable of such!" You chuckled and gave the man a warm smile. The man smiled at you, but it felt off. 

"What you need, Danchou?" Feitan huffed and tensed up a bit as he spoke. 

"I'm sure you know, Feitan." The man supposedly called Danchou quickly turned serious. "As pleased as I am to meet Ms. Y/N here, you do know that you've brought a stranger here, and you have put the Troupe at risk, correct?" Feitan stared down at Feitan, who just angrily crossed his arms. 

"She not do anything! She just a baker, and she not even know nen! I wouldn't have had to bring her here if it wasn't for Hisoka harassing her!" Feitan glared at the clown-like man, glare shooting daggers into him. 

"It is not our concern what Hisoka does outside of the troupe as long as it does not affect us." Danchou looked over at Hisoka who gave him a smug smirk. "Even so, you could've just taken her to the hospital." 

"She poor! You think she can afford the bills? Besides, she is not going to betray us. She has no reason." You glared at Feitan, smacking him on the back of the head. 

"Well, thanks for exposing me to everyone here, Feitan!" You crossed your arms, staring at him angrily. 

"Listen, I trying to defend you here! Be grateful!" Feitan scowled, crossing his arms as well. 

"I don't need you to defend me! I can speak for myself!" You sighed and turned around, back facing him. He did the same. 

"Okay lovebirds, please spare us the lovers quarrel!" Danchou chuckled and placed a hand on your and Feitan's shoulders. "Now Feitan, I understand that you believe she is trustworthy. However, I'm not sure if I can for now. So, I think she must gain my trust. But until she does that, I don't think we can allow her to leave on her own. And Feitan, as much as I trust you, I see you've got a soft spot for her, so I don't think I should leave you to watch her alone. So, I believe I should assign someone to watch the two of you. Phinks, I ask that you keep an eye on the two of these lovers if they leave the hideout." You stared at the man, jaw practically hitting the floor. 

"But sir! I have a home, a bakery! I don't think I can exactly have two WANTED criminals chilling out in my bakery!" You huffed, glancing at the blonde man that was approaching you. 

"I'm terribly sorry for inconveniencing you, but you must understand where I am coming from. If you were to even accidentally tell someone about our base of operations, it would be quite problematic. And, if you disagree, we could just kill you." 

"No! No- I-I understand sir. Thank you." You sighed, bowing your head respectfully. 

"Great. You are dismissed." Chrollo nodded and walked back up the pile of rubble. Feitan stood in his spot for a moment, glaring at Chrollo. Feitan wanted to argue and protest, but he knew better. 

"Whatever Y/N. Come, you go sleep now. It late." Feitan huffed and grasped your wrist, pulling you along behind him, 

Loving A Spider (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now