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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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Two weeks later, Jackson strolled through the main entrance of the hospital like he hadn't disappeared for the better half of the month. Physically, he seemed perfectly fine. Mentally and most definitely emotionally, he didn't come back as well. Bella didn't need to speak to him directly to know as much. When DeLuca hurried out of the lab like someone shot him out of a chamber, his tail tucked between his legs, Bella knew... oh, she knew that wherever life had taken the man she loved did him no good.

She hesitated like never before. Usually, she entered whatever room he kept himself locked in and sat on his lap to gain his attention. But for some time now, things were anything but usual. For some time now, she felt like her soul had been taken and trapped in a glass bottle.

Going about her day without the looming arguments she'd have with Jackson felt incredible for the first few days. One night when she met up with Alex for a drink, she described it as freedom but it just as quickly made her feel guilty. How could she say that being without someone she loved felt like freedom? But it had and she couldn't deny it, even if it wrecked her heart.

They felt ruined. The friendship—gods, even the thought of what they used to be to what they had become had the power to put her in the worst depressive episode she could ever have. She knew this would happen, and she told him when they crossed the line from best friends to something more, and now look at them.

A month without talking.

Three months, if she wanted to count the time it took her to recover after the accident. Whatever they had at the time most certainly couldn't qualify as being on talking terms.


They were ruined.

"You don't have to linger."

So, he knew she stood there. Well, of course he bloody knew. If anyone would've felt her presence, it could've only been Jackson.

"I'm not lingering," she defended, even though she knew she lingered. Debated, whether to approach him or not.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" the question had many answers to it. Usually, she would've made a sexual joke. Usually, he would've welcomed it with that teasing grin of his. Usually.

"Well..." she started off. Eyeing her shoes, the floor, the legs of the desk before her. A deep sigh lifted her chest, standing before Jackson's awaiting eyes. "I wanted to talk."

Jackson's arms flared to the sides while his facial expression remained blank. The table behind him supported his weight as he leaned against the edge, his knees slightly bent as he found his footing. "Talk."

Well, then. That certainly shed some light on the attitude that sent the resident practically flying moments ago. It didn't miss her attention that where he'd usually lower his anger and frustration when speaking to her, and going for an apology and a kiss on her temple right away for snapping at her, did not follow. Cold words slammed against her and covered her without his warming embrace lessening the impact.

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