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Seattle, Washington

[BELLA LEDFORD]Seattle, Washington

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Days that dragged were the worst. Today was one of them. Bella barely made it through her shift on two feet, and it wasn't because of the bottle of wine she decided to have with her dinner the night before. Though, to be fair, it was a rather eye-opening dinner she had on her own. There was a candle lit, and she had the light on that fanned from the right corner to the TV. Sometimes, the things she watched spoke to her. Last night, especially.

Looking back on it, she still wasn't sure where she stood with those sudden feelings she somehow delved into last night, all of them regarding Jackson. Bella blamed the characters on the TV for the confusion because their relationship was exactly how she was with Jackson, and it almost scared her.

Being friends made sense. It worked. It was great. Sure, they had the odd argument but they were usually resolved pretty fast, or not at all. In the latter case, they just didn't bother with what they fought about because one of them either forgot or it was simply too stupid to hash up. Like what happened at the gala. They never truly spoke about it because it was in the past, and Bella didn't particularly care much about it after they ended up saving the night.

But to be more? Bella wasn't sure she could handle even the thought of that. It wasn't that she couldn't separate her past from her present, and potential future, because she could. Jackson was most definitely not the kind of person she came to know his grandfather to be. So, while the thought of him being an Avery lingered in her mind, she wasn't too focused on it.

However, she would've lied to herself if she thought there wasn't something intriguing about Jackson. Perhaps it laid in the way he cared for her like no one had done before. Friends like him didn't come by often which pushed her away from the idea of even toying with such foreign scenarios.

Nothing was worth more than the trust, the care, the friendship, that blossomed between Bella Ledford and Jackson Avery. Ruining it for the purpose of something that could be so fragile would be anything but smart. It may have worked in the movie she watched but it seemed too big of a risk in real life.

And by 'something that could be so fragile' Bella meant the one-sided emotional flare up on her part. Obviously, Jackson was easy on the eyes. In fact, he was more than easy on the eyes. He most definitely was a treat. Bella knew this for as long as she was made aware of his existence. Yet it was only now, that she has had the chance to get to know him, that she noticed he was certainly not just a pretty face.

Jackson was intelligent. He was smart. He was funny. He was caring. He was sensitive and not afraid to show his emotions. On the other hand, he was impulsive. He was reckless. He was stubborn and he could be pushy.

At the end of the day, all of these things made Jackson who he was, on top of being a pretty face, and Bella was over the moon for him. As far as she felt concerned, that was fine. To be in a little bit of love with your friend? That happens. This wasn't anything different. Mostly because it didn't have to be any different. Plus, Bella would never just give her heart over to someone so easily.

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