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Kazuki POV

After we cleared this whole mess, we discovered that every adult inside the cruise ship has gone missing

They dissappear into thin air, quite literally

We had a heated discussion with Kiyotaka and he suspects Rei for this mess..... Not really, he is quite sure of it that she caused it. He also suspects Mii-chan

His basis of course is a prior roleplay of hers that she wants to vanish half of the general population with a snap of her finger

That's kind of cool... Oh, I'm fangirling again! But... That's amazing!

Kōenji was a lifesaver. He climbed the entire ship using the anchor and he knew how to control it to the bare minimum splendidly. He saved us from the dangerous island temporarily and a lot of girls fell for him. He has his own harem, good for him

I would not be surprised, if he was part of something similar with us. Hmm... but, I doubt that. His family name is above mine's by a mile and the only ones above him are those politician scumbags. Kiyotaka's father takes first place for the disgusting human beings category

I'm off the charts! My theory is that Kōenji received brutal training but not a life threatening one. I'll have to ask him myself

We are currently inside our rooms until further help from the outside and I'm lying next to an unconscious Rei. Kokoro and Haruka went outside for something..... I don't even know where...Hmmm To be honest, I don't even care about them

But Rei!

I want to let me inside your plans...

I'm your only true ally inside this whole school

I hope you trust me and accept my support from now on!

I-I beg you!!!

Thoughts to myself...

I let an empty dry laugh after my silent outburst

Suddenly, a quite sound came from her mouth

Is this a sign for her grand awakening?

My little speculation after my observation came true ten minutes after her first sound

She opened her eyes

Her stare is empty, that's weird

She tries to regain her awareness

"Th-This is not my room" She muttered confused

Wait... What? She's speaking English?

She failed to notice me...

I need to test something asap

"Boooooooo!!!" I scared her maliciously

A Helpful Reincarnation (Female OC) COTE   (On Hold) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora