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Kiyotaka POV

We are currently inside the cave and Matsushita just finished explaining what happened to the other side

I gave a signal to Kazuki to go outside and followed her shortly after

"She broke Ichinose's spirit before she left them, attacking her will be wasteful from your point of view" I logically said to her

"How do you even know that? She asked perplexed

"For starters, you can't control your bloodlust when it comes to Rei" I started my explanation

"I can't deny that..." She sheepishly accepted that

"Secondly, you've created a punch with your left hand several times during her explanation" I continued

"Ok... I get it, stop..." She said embarrassed

Ryūen approached us with a creepy smirk

He apparently understood what happened on this island and chose the cave as a camp. He also convinced Katsuragi for cooperation which made our job a lot easier

I can feel something... some trouble coming on my way

"Ayanokōji is already cheating on his masochistic girlfriend with the new flat chested girl over here. That's low even for you, Monster" Ryūen challenged me with the same smirk

Kazuki usually reacts to that but she stayed calm

My intuition was on point...

"What do you mean?" I asked him

"Playing dumb ha!? Karuizawa was never your childhood friend. Also, I'm utterly convinced that the other one is a dirty cheater. She knew everything beforehand" Ryūen shared his observations

Kazuki laughed at that

"That's impossible. Also, you can't call someone a cheater for knowing some extra information about this school" Kazuki repelled his attack with some lies

"kukukukuku The person without any reason to exist inside this school spoke up. That's intriguing, you play dumb like the other Monster"

While he was saying that he glared at me

"It doesn't matter anymore, her unique advantage is gone now. Furthermore, you can't call someone a cheater for knowing the future, there's no proof to make others believe your unstable words" Kazuki gave him proudly a reality check confirming his words

"That's true, Flat. Also Monster, with the existence of your new lowly servants our rematch is delayed even more" Ryūen said to me with a grin

He can play with more people. That's why, he finds this entire situation interesting


I see... it's for that

"We are not that lowly, Dragon-boy" She stood against him with an aggressive grin too

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