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After I left Kyo-chan's room, it was time for my next location

"Yuuuuuuuuuki-chan open the door~"

She opened the door with a frown on her face, she figured out that I know about her, I'm impressed hehehe

I walked inside like an intruder and she had a surprised expression on her face

"For someone that turned her own class into a battleground... you are on high spirits" She said while not believing her own words

"I don't care for those boring goals like aiming for Class A. The only thing that I'm looking forward inside this school is having fun"

And help the other White Room students

She widened her eyes after she heard my statement

"Are you saying that graduating from Class A is not that important for you?" She asked in disbelief

"Absolutely, as a fellow realist the answer you can give is only one"

"I know that your abilities are insane, but I don't think that they accept other people that easily in college and universities"

"You know who I am, you know what I can do"

I always wanted to say that

She sighed

"You said 'fellow realist', are you implying that our personalities are similar"

"They overlap way too much, but I'm playing the leader"

"Wait a minute!!! You planned from the beginning your withdrawal from that position!!!??? You just setting the foundations for your future laziness"

"And someone else chose laziness from the start and roleplays as a Fairy Tail member every single day. That's a special kind of torture hehehehehe"

"Blame the fucking idiots that put me inside this generic class"

"I took countermeasures extremely early and everyone became serious after they realized that everything I said to them was true"

"You figured everything out that soon!!!???" She asked in disbelief again

"Our previous teacher's words were suspicious and she refused to reveal obvious information. After, I perfectly read her personality, I instantly attacked her. My wording became more aggressively and she confirmed my suspicions with her facial expressions. My classmates were skeptical that's why I expelled indirectly the blonde disgusting trash and some useless classmates. I triggered the condition which she revealed the class point situation extremely early. The class point announcement comes only to the classes related to the students which the incidents affected, that's why our class had a monopoly from the start"

She had her mouth open after she heard my detailed explanation

I mixed some lies of course

A Helpful Reincarnation (Female OC) COTE   (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now