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After I checked everyone's physical capabilities, I gave them a training program for each one of them for the next 3 months. Afterwards, I will repeat the test and give them better exercises fitting their future capabilities

I'll ask Akito and Sudō for their club training programs

"Oi Sudō, can I check your current training program. I want to confirm a speculation of mine"

"Sure, here you go"

"I was correct..."

"What's wrong?"

"This program is designed for maintaining your current power and not increasing it, I'm extremely serious about this. This is not an easy training to begin with. Can I make some slight adjustments so you can get more power as a basketball player?"

"I thought that was the case too, god fucking damn it!!!!!!" He said angrily

"So you already noticed this?"

"I had some suspicions, I'm not a bright person on academics but on physical capabilities I can understand a lot with my instincts and experiences"

"I thought that from the beginning, you would be the most aggressive person against me. From day 2 you were silent most of the time, did something happen?"

He explained to me that the King saved him and then told him that it was my plan. It went perfectly according to my calculations... MY ASS!!!! So this is how Ainz feels...

I can predict the rest easily. Horikita is not naive to buy the King's legendary excuses. So she pressed him and he explained all my actions and that I wanted to help her by making fun of her. Finally, he told her that the only way for me to stop my aggressive teasing against her will be admitting her mistakes to me

"Your body has the perfect development. That's your limit, you can't become stronger, am I right?"

I nodded, this Sudō is smarter WTF

"Let's return, to our first point. How much do you want to increase your capabilities?"

"I don't know"

I sighed and then I started writing three different programs for him

"A mild, a normal and a hard one. The last one is extremely difficult even for you"

"Thank you, Rei-san!!!" He screamed excitedly, oh he looks like he is back

"It's nothing, you gave me zero problems so think of it as a way for repaying my debt or something"

He nodded and left

It's time for me to find Akito

After 30 minutes I found him


"Our scary leader-san, do you have some business with me?"

"Just call me Rei..." I sighed

A Helpful Reincarnation (Female OC) COTE   (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now