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After some days everyone became more friendly to each other

The class became closer and people were perfect inside this classroom. We lost 300 class points from the drop outs but the 300 points that I got from the Cuckumo case negated those consequences

I acted early and we have a good headstart against the other classes

Our anime club finished the decorations and everyone is very happy. We became a friend group and it's pretty nice with our unique personalities

I started the Chiaki Collection. My goal is to take a picture of her everyday, she's like a model not gonna lie

With our toolbox group, we took a lot of countermeasures for a lot of things and
Kei was training like crazy.

After, I asked her she told me that she will not remain useless with determination. It seems that the phrase 'discard useless tools' from my light novel memories gave her fear

I told her that her body one day will collapse but she ignored me. I can't understand lovesick people like ever

They delayed our swimming classes because of Cuckumo's case. With that we helped Kokokoro-chan create some special swimsuits. She was very happy that we gave her something for her to do related to her hobby

It's time for our third period for our current classes, Chabobo's history lessons bore me to death

Chabobo came inside for a different reason

"It's the end of the month, so we're going to have a short test. Please pass these to the back"

I made a noise and everyone looked at me

"The fact that no one warned us for this test make things interesting. The school will not expel us from tests without a warning"

"I have an idea"

"Everyone write only your name and then give your paper to Chabobo"

I smirked

"We will mock the mock test kukuku"

After some seconds of silence

"We will follow you everywhere, Tsundere Chuuni leader!!!!!!!" everyone shouted and then started laughing

"Sh-Shut uppp!!!!!!"

I gave my papers first with only my name on them

Everyone followed my plan and Chabobo watched in disbelief



May 1


Chabobo came inside with a perplexed look on her face. She scripts her reaction beforehand, I can't explain it

"All right, your morning homeroom is about to begin. Before we get started, does anyone have any questions? If so, now is the time to speak"

"The mute button for saying things about this school is gone. Just confirm my theories" I said uninterested

"A-Almost everything Karuizawa said on the first day is true"

A Helpful Reincarnation (Female OC) COTE   (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now