16- Fireflies

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"You owe me a date."


"A movie date. You owe me for being your chauffeur."

Eli laughs. His voice sounds higher over the phone. "We have Zo's party tonight."

"So come over now."


I nod, then remember he can't see me. "Yeah. I'll drive you later. What do you need there anyway?"

Eli goes quiet. I can tell he's running through a mental checklist in his head.

"Nothing, you don't need anything to go to a birthday party."

"We need a gift."

I shake my head. "Noelle already agreed we could do gifts tomorrow on Christmas."

"We are at least getting her Starbucks."

I snort. "You just want Starbucks."

I hear Eli shrug. "What can I say? I'm a player."

I hang up the phone still laughing.

Eli ends up messaging me repeatedly for directions. I forgot he's never come here before on his own. I send him my address, and he shows up half an hour later.

"I live three streets away," I say when he knocks on the door. "What took you so long?"

I'm having a hard time speaking. His hair is dusted with snow, and his eyelashes are fringed with frost. He's wearing a thin blue coat that is in no way warm enough for Alaskan weather (even if we are only a few miles outside of Juneau) and short boots. It's adorable.

"I got lost." He shrugs. "Can I come in?"

I nod. While he takes off his coat (with a pained expression as he soaks our floor with snow) I pour two cups of tea. He grins when he sees what I'm holding.

"What kind?" I pass him the cup.


He makes a happy noise and takes a sip. He lets out a sigh.

"Good?" I ask.

"By London standards or American?"


"Amazing by American standards, belongs in the gutter by London standards." He smiles sweetly. "Thank you, Juno."

My heart almost jumps from my chest. I turn on my heel.

"Okay, movie time." I clap my hands, and rub them together like an evil genius.

Eli shakes his head, scattering snowflakes on the carpet as he follows me. "You really want to watch Tangled? Couldn't we watch, I dunno, Star Wars?"

"You like Star Wars?" I ask as he settles on the complete opposite side of the couch. My hands tighten on my mug as I resist the urge to draw him closer.

He nods. "Always have. I'm part of a Star Wars family."

"Well I'm part of a Harry Potter family," I reply, "so let's keep the tribes at peace and watch a Disney princess escape from her tower with her hair."

He takes another sip. "Sounds good."

I grab the Tangled DVD (which Eli laughs at me for having) and press play.

"Hey." He reaches across me and pauses it. The nerves in my legs start to tingle. "I got you something."

"Pardon me?"

Eli & JunoWhere stories live. Discover now