15- Pranks

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Uniforms don't get officially disbanded, but I don't wear mine, and neither does anybody else. I can't stop smiling. I caused this. Me.

Well, me and Juno. In a way, that made our victory even better.

Nerves for the upcoming game plague me wherever I go. Juno promises me I have no reason to worry, but I do anyway.

I go to practice, and the Coach has no argument with me joining, just as long as I could figure out how to put on the gear. Which Juno helped with.

I go to classes as I'm supposed to, but can't seem to focus on anything.

I'm sitting in English when the fire alarms go off.

Remember when you were a kid, and fire drills were always a big thing? Remember when they taught you to remain calm and walk in ama orderly fashion?

Well that all goes to hell.

I hang out in the back of the class until the halls clear out. Poe shoots me a look.

"You realize we are sacrificing ourselves because of your social anxiety right?"

"Actually I think we're sacrificing ourselves because our school doesn't have any ramps near the exit. I'm just being a good friend."

"This better be a drill."

Eventually one of the teacher's carry Poe down, and order me out of the school. At least most of the kids are bunched into groups now. I quickly spot Noelle talking to a young boy.

"Eli!" She waves me over. "This is Cricket."

"That's not my real name," he tells me quickly. "I earned that name in my freshman year."

"He put crickets in Miss Alburry's room."

"I'm the one responsible for this."

I lift an eyebrow. "No offense but pulling the fire alarm, that's a little juvenile, isn't it?"

He laughs and shakes his head, his red hair splaying everywhere. "I didn't pull the fire alarm. I put cocoons in the auditorium. Which hatched about an hour ago, and found a home in our lovely principal's hair." He shrugs. "Seems like justice for the uniforms, doesn't it?"

I laugh. It didn't seem like fair punishment at all- But I wasn't about to say that. Not when Noelle couldn't stop laughing and twirling her hair. I smile nervously.

"Er- I should go. You two have fun."

I turn on my heel, nearly running into Juno.

"Woah!" He reaches out and steadies me. A warm blush works its way onto my cheeks.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi," I say. "Er- Fun fire drill right?"

"Not a fire drill."

"Right, bug apocalypse, how could I forget?" I laugh. Behind Juno, I can see April staring at him.

"Ignore her," he says. "She is just worried there are butterfly eggs in her hair."

"You know, for someone who's supposedly popular, you send a lot of time with me."

"You're pretty cool."


"I'm serious."

My hair slips into my eyes. I brush it back with the tips of my fingers. "That truly isn't possible."

"I didn't think a bunch of insects in our hallway was possible either but look at where we are: It's happened twice."

"Hope this doesn't interfere with the game."

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