13- Breathe

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"I can't seem to remember how this deal benefits me." Juno tells me as I climb into his car fifty five minutes too early for school.

"You were the one who volunteered to drive me to school."

"Only because I leave early for rehearsal and you like to arrive insanely early."

I shrug. "I like to make PE the only class I fail."

He laughs, shaking his head at me. "With my luck and grades, that'll be the only class I pass."

"Sounds like you need a tutor."

"You offering?" He gives me a look.

"Sure. "

He freezes. "Wait seriously?"

I nod. "Who else is going to do it? Your girl friend? You'll never get anything done."

"April isn't my girlfriend."

Why did that feel so good to hear?

Juno looks me in the eye. "What's in it for you?"

"I mean, you drive me to and from school, and you buy me bubble tea. It's only fair, right?"

"You sure?"

"Meet at yours, tomorrow?"

"Sounds good."

. . .

Juno drives us straight to his house after school. My parents were overjoyed that I was hanging out with a friend, and even happier that that friend was Juno. Even if it was just tutoring.

We pull into his driveway. It's a nice place. The outside is built with red bricks and stone steps. There's a giant tree out front, with tyre swing blowing in the wind. Their lawn is unmanicured, and covered with leaves and flowers. Their front door is bright yellow, with a large 22 printed on it.

It's a family home.

Juno fishes keys from his book bag and unlocks the door. Inside smells of honey and hair spray, which turns out to be an unfortunate combo. I purse my lips to keep my nose from wrinkling.

"Sorry," Juno apologizes. "Pippa's going to some house party tonight with a few friends." He emphasizes the words a few and shoots a look at the girl on the couch.

I turn my gaze to her. She has dark brown hair up in rollers, and a can of hairspray in one hand.

"You might want to wait to take out the rollers to do that," I warn.

Her eyes snap open. "Juno, who is this?"

He steps in front of me, hiding me from view. "No one," he says quickly, "tell Mum we're upstairs studying, yeah?"

Before she can reply, he grabs my hand and pulls me behind him, marching us up the stairs. Tingles go up my arm as I try not to laugh. My eyes roam over the pictures on the walls.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Pippa place the can down on the table and feel her hair. I smile in satisfaction.

We step into the upstairs hallway. Juno leads me into a bedroom at the back.

"Hope it's okay that we study up here," he says, shutting the door softly.

"More than okay," I reply, before realizing how that sounds. I turn red. Juno doesn't seem to notice. "S-So, what is it you want to start with?"

"I was thinking science?" He pulls a book out of his bag. "I have a test next week."

I laugh. "I know, Juno. We're in the same class." I take his book from him. "So, what do you understand about cells?"

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