8- Circus Kid

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   Eli is quiet for most of the ride. I can tell he feels bad, but I'm certain I feel worse. He was right, calling me out for those things I said about Poe Grey. I think about what I said to April, about us all being losers.

I'm more pissed off than anything else that none of us supposed 'cool kids' gave a second thought to all the cruel nicknames we've distributed over the years.

My fingers tense on the wheel. I want to apologize, I really do. But would anyone listen if I tried? I sneak a glance at Eli. Probably not. He doesn't look too forgiving.

"Look, about what I said-"

"Forget it. Just apologize to Poe and we're good."


"Really," he says, "it isn't me you've been insulting."

So not ready to forgive me. Okay.

Eli looks back down at his lap. The sunlight filters through his hair, creating an intricate pattern of shadows and freckles. The light glints off his glasses, causing the sun to illuminate his cheekbones and lower lip. His teeth sink into it, and he looks out at the road.

I make myself look away. My palms are sweaty, and slipping on the leather. I suck my teeth. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"You know, I have to share a car too."


"With my younger sister, Pippa. She's a freshman. Too young to drive herself, and too stubborn to take the bus."

"Why take the bus when there's a perfectly good car waiting?" He teases.

I smile. I realize I'm staring at myself in the rear view mirror. I resist the urge to fix my hair.

"Please tell me we didn't abandon your sister at school."

I shake my head. She was still at school, yes.

But she was probably too busy trying to get close to Lu to notice. A bitter taste coats my tongue.

"Quick question, where am I driving to?"

"Oh!" Eli exclaims. "Sorry, I should have given you the address." That would've been helpful. "Do you have a pen? I can't seem to pronounce the street name."

"Just put it in my phone. I'll use GPS." I take out my phone, sparing only a quick glance at it as I stop for a light. Three missed calls from April, all within the last hour. I swipe them away, and hand over my phone. I have no password. Family rules.

I do my best to hide my amusement as Eli swears at the autocorrect. He mutters something about stupid American spellings, and I crack up.

"It's true!" He exclaims, "I'm serious, what is it with your prejudice against the letter u?"

I laugh. "What's with British people and making every word longer than it needs to be?"

He shakes his head at me, and types in the address. He props the phone up on the dashboard.

Turns out I don't need the directions to his house. It's only a few blocks from mine. It's the one Kylan and I would make bets on. He would always say ridiculous numbers, like forty six killion, while I would try and guess what the house would always go for. Mother always said I would be a good realtor.

I pull up in front of his house. It's painted white, with flowery blue curtains. It has a surprisingly perfect lawn for a family that just moved in, and trimmed rose bushes.

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