Chapter 6: Visions

Start from the beginning

"That was a nice thing you did. Thank you, my Lady."

"Well, I had to make sure he got something before you ate it all!" You smirk mischievously at the blonde god, who gasps faintly, but then laughs.

"Try not to let my brother's personality rub off on you too much, Hmm?" A smile spreads across your face as you stick your tongue out at him before turning on your heels and walking back to the couch.

As you sit down, your gaze returns to Loki, who is inspecting the contents of the plate. Then, he finally grabs some on his fork and eats it. Once satisfied with the taste, he finally starts eating the rest.

Trying to hide the satisfied smile appearing on your lips, you turn back to the group and take a sip from your beer.


The following two weeks were pretty uneventful. Thor had gone back to Asgard the morning after you arrived at the compound with Loki. He had to attend to his princely duties and had been gone the entire two weeks.

Since most of the people who lived in this compound disliked Loki, he stayed in his room most of the time. Occasionally, when barely anyone was around, he would sit in that same little nook he sat in the night he arrived, simply reading.

You made several attempts to invite him to join you for dinner but he never answered the door, nor joined the team at the table. Since you didn't want him to go hungry, you'd bring him a tray of food every evening, placing it in front of his door and gently knocking before returning to the kitchen.

After finishing your own meal and chatting it up with the rest of the team, you would check the hallway for his tray. Usually, you would find its contents gone, making you happy that he was at least eating. You knew Thor would appreciate that his brother was taken care of.

However, Nat, Tony and Clint never understood why you did all that effort for Loki. They figured if he was hungry, he should get his stubborn ass out of his room and join them at the table. Steve and Pepper defended your actions as they understood why you did it and found it very admirable of you. Bruce didn't really care to voice his opinion about it.

Except during dinner time, you hadn't really seen much of Tony and Bruce in those two weeks. They both spent most of their time down in the workshop, working on one of the next Mark suits or upgrades for the team's armor.

Steve, Clint and Nat on the other hand, had been going on small missions to take out some HYDRA fanatics that would pop up here and there. You ended up on your own more than you'd like to admit.

Due to all the paperwork, you weren't able to join them. The entire two weeks, you got buried in client contracts and drafting legal documents for Stark Industries. To say you were bored and lonely was an understatement.

Early this morning, when everyone was still asleep, Thor came back to Earth and finally got Loki to come out of his quarters. As soon as Pepper woke up and saw Loki sitting in the living room with Thor, she took advantage of the situation to send a cleaning crew into Loki's room.

His room hadn't been cleaned in two whole weeks, but she was surprised to hear when the cleaning crew reported back less than a half hour later, saying that they had absolutely no cleanup to do. The room was already picked up and cleaned.

His room was completely trash-free. Nothing could be found. It looked as if it was never occupied. Loki's magic is bound and he can't go anywhere, so he probably just got bored and ended up cleaning. Though, what he did with his trash is beyond you.

 Though, what he did with his trash is beyond you

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