Welcome to my House

Start from the beginning

When we pulled up into our driveway I saw that my brothers were waiting outside on the porch. A big smile appeared on my face and I immediately got out of the car. I've missed being with my brothers in our house so much. I miss the fun times we had, but now I feel that they'll pity me and act like I'm fragile. I hope they truly didn't act that way around me.

I want to be treated the same as the old me. I'm stronger now though. Everything that has happened brought me closer with everybody.

I gave Vincent back his phone and I skipped towards my brothers. I couldn't wait to see Koda again, it's been like 2 weeks since I've last seen him. I wonder if he's grown since then because he's been hitting some growth spurts.

I greeted all my brothers, giving them light hugs since my body still hurt before we all headed inside the house. I waited till Vincent was with us before I walked inside with him. It would be rude if I didn't give him a tour around the house.

When I got inside I saw my uncle Matthew sitting on the couch. My eyes widened and I ran towards him with excitement.

"Uncle Matthew!" I squealed and hugged him. I missed him all much and I was so worried when I heard he was injured and sent back here.

Matthew hugged me back and rubbed my back gently. "I've missed you buttercup, I was so worried about you..when we were taken," he whispered softly and I sighed pulling away from the long hug.

"I've missed you too~I'm so sorry about what has happened. Just know none of it was your fault." I said under my breath.

Suddenly I was jumped on by something really heavy. I groaned and looked up at the culprit. There sat Koda with his slobbery tongue hanging out. He lapped at my face and I giggled picking him up carefully. He was heavier than usually. What have they been feeding him jeez. I walked over to Vincent and smiled brightly.

"This is Koda, he's my dog" I hummed and placed Koda down beside Vincent's feet. He crouched down and started stroking Koda's head gently.

"He's adorable, what breed is he?" Vincent asked curiously, eyeing down Koda.

I grinned and crouched down beside him, "he's a Great Pyrenees and Bernese mountain dog." I informed him and Vincent looked up at me, surprise in his eyes.

"Oh wow, I used to have a dog with that mix. He died a few years ago though." He stated quietly with sadness in his expression. I frowned at the information and bit my lower lip.

"Well he can be both our dogs then!" I chimed, mentioning the new idea. Vincent looked at me and chuckled at what I had said. What was so funny about it?

I smiled sheepishly and looked around the room. Lorenzo, Matteo and Matthew were heading into the kitchen leaving Dante, Luca and the twins on the couch.

I stood up slowly and grabbed Vincent's hand, "let's head to my room real quick." I said quietly and dragged him up the stairs, Koda following behind us.

When I got to my room I opened the door for us and walked inside. "Welcome to my room, it's kind of messy since I haven't cleaned in awhile. Um you can take the empty room beside mine." I stated and sat down on my bed.

Vincent sat down next to me and examined my room very carefully. There was some undergarments and shirts on the ground which was embarrassing so I quickly picked them up before tossing them into the hamper.

"Your room is very nice, did you decorate it your self?" Vincent asked curiously and I nodded with a grin. No one has ever complimented my designing of interiors. It was one of my hobbies really.

"Actually my brothers decorated first but I gave it a big makeover." I giggled and plopped my body down on the bed. I winced from the impact and clutched my stomach tightly.

Vincent looked at me right away and he lifted up my shirt slightly, making sure I didn't open up any stitches I've recently acquired.

"You're okay..shhh." He whispered in my ear and brought my body close to his chest. I took deep breaths and slowly let go of my torso. His calm words alleviated my pain and when it finally went away I sighed.

"Sorry about that.." I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck, embarrassed of what just happened.

When I looked up at him his lips were so close to mine. I didn't know how to react but my body leaned into his touch and my lips were now upon his. Both our eyes widened and I immediately pulled away.

My face was bright red and I tried to speak but kept stuttering, "s..sorry..oh gosh I didn't mean to do that." I mumbled and backed away nervously. I honestly didn't know why I did that, it just felt so right maybe he wanted it too.

Vincent cleared his throat and stood up from my bed before grabbing my hand gently, "Shh don't apologize..besides I liked it." He whispered into my ear, his voice more rough than before.

I gulped and without thinking I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again, wanting to feel the sensation again. He began to kiss me back, his plump soft lips smooshed against mine and I groaned softly into his mouth.

Suddenly my bedroom door opened and I heard a gasp behind us.

"Bella! What the hell is going on!?" I heard Antonio's voice and I pulled away from the kiss, falling on my behind in the process.

I began to panic, my heart was racing from the fact I just kissed Vincent twice now and we were just caught doing it.

"I..I- please don't tell on me!" I cried out and stood up from the ground scared of the consequences. I was told when I first got to this house there should be no dating. Now here I am, caught kissing a guy.

1720 words

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