Sent off

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I sat on my floor with a rope toy, playing tug a war with Koda. It was about 5:30 am and I've only slept for about 3 hours after going to sleep around 2 in the morning.

I was frightened of the thought that the last time I was sleeping there was someone watching me. My mind made me paranoid of everything again. By the time I had fallen asleep I woke up scared again.

This time I could not fall back to sleep, I laid in bed for so long and my body decided to keep me wide awake.

Now I was on the floor hanging out with Koda for the time being. He looked so happy and free as he trotted around my room with a rope toy hanging from his mouth.

My foot was still aching, causing me to sleep with discomfort as I tossed and turned all night. I decided it was best to try and sleep again for the sake of it.

"Come here boy~" I whispered softly and patted the floor in front of me. Koda came over and I lifted him up with ease. I've started getting used to his weight but once he gets bigger I'll probably struggle with picking him up. If anything, I won't be able to pick him up at all.

I placed him on the bed and sighed, sliding myself under the covers of my bed. The warmth of my blankets were now gone since I've been absent from the bed for too long.

I shivered, feeling the cold fabric material touch my skin. Koda noticed my discomfort and he crawled towards me before curling up beside me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, feeling safe in his warmth.

Soon my body decided that it was for the best that I should rest. My eyelids gave away and they closed slowly as I drifted off to sleep into an unknown world of dreams.


It was now later in the morning and I was awoken by someone shaking my shoulder lightly. I groaned groggily and tossed the other direction, my back facing whoever was there.

"Go away.." I mumbled sluggishly and suddenly my eyes were invaded by the bright light of the sun when my curtains were pulled apart.

I squeezed my eyes shut and sat up tiredly. "Bella get up, Matteo said to get you, he is bringing you somewhere." I heard Gio say and I opened my eyes fully.

"Where?" I asked curiously but I was also very puzzled. I thought it wasn't safe at all to go out of the house. Maybe Matteo finally stopped the bad guys while I was asleep, but that probably wasn't the case.

Giovanni shrugged and walked out of my room to head downstairs. Even though my foot hurt I pushed through the agonizing steps and made my way to the Matteo's office.

I knocked about three times before I heard him speak from the other side. "Come in!" I heard Matteo shout and I entered his office, closing the door behind me.

"You wanted to take me somewhere?" I questioned softly and Matteo cleared his throat before replying.

"I decided that it might be for the best that you go back with uncle Matthew while we get this problem situated." He informed me and my eyes widened in surprise.

I never wanted to leave my brothers, I love Uncle Matthew, but I also love it here and I lovedmy brothers. I stood there, focused down at my feet that were closely smooshed together.

I was too nervous to even look him in the eye. Does he really want to send me away? Yesterday morning he was so insistent that I stay here with them. What made him change his mind?

My lips parted and I sighed, controlling my fear and looking up at him. "B..but I don't want to leave you guys.." I stuttered out with sadness erupting in my tone.

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