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Ashland's POV:

This was like a ticking time bomb. After throwing up the once amazing, delicious, and sacred dinner my mom made tonight, I decided it was more than likely time to go and take the pregnancy test.. This has to be the scariest moment of my whole entire life, and I've been through quite a bit in my twenty-four years of life. But that's enough talk about that, I just want these three minutes to hurry up and be over with. Ugh, what if it's positive? How in the hell will I keep a pregnancy and the test a secret?! This is already stressful and the test hasn't even given me an answer yet.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks, fear was creeping crazy fast into my mind and whole body, the worst three minutes of my life. Yeah, I haven't had my period yet, but sometimes it can be a little late because my period is never on time, but all of these symptoms so close and jumbled up together just doesn't set well with me.. At all..

Finally though, those dreadful and depressing three minutes were finished. Now's the time to see what lies ahead.. Me being me, I had ended up turning the stick around so that the results weren't facing me. The second that the right side was turned up, my heart sank and fell all the way into the low pit of my stomach.

*Two pink lines.. Positive*

No, no, no.. This was like, the worst case scenario. What am I going to do? Who do I tell? This will be one hell of a journey. A baby.. Inside of me? At this point, I'm not sure whether to cry over the fact that me and Jon had unprotected sex, or over the sole fact that now I'm carrying his baby..

Maybe, just maybe I might need to take another one, just to be absolute sure. I bought a "First Response" one, then a "Clearblue" one. Not sure what the difference is, but they seem to be the most purchased pregnancy tests on the market. And the most trusted ones too.. Man, I'm nervous. In the morning, I'll just take the "Clearblue" one. Give it a few hours to settle and whatnot.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. Fuck! The pregnancy test, need to hide the box, the test itself, and any other evidence that leads to the whole thing as a whole. Thank goodness though, I had brought my purse in the bathroom with me. It was my surefire way of covering up all my tracks of the newfound news that the white stick had just presented to me and my eyes.

"Uh, someone's in here!" I called out to the door-knocker.

"Baby girl, it's me. Your mama and daddy went to bed, and I was actually thinkin' of doin' the same. I've already unloaded all our bags and stuff, it's in your bedroom. You've been in there for like thirty minutes, you alright?" Jon asked softly, a wooden door being the only thing dividing us from one another.

Oh no, no, no! Of all people, J definitely can't know about this. Not for a long while. Maybe there's some miraculous way that I'll be able to hide the pregnancy for a while. Baggy clothes it is, not like I'd be complaining. I already wear baggy clothes anyway, just this time it'll be for nine whole months or however long it takes me to start showing.

My eyes darted to the mirror and what was in the reflection broke my heart. The way I'm letting this affect me and my emotions is ridiculous! We'll work this thing out, but then again, there is a possibility that this may cause some kind of trouble or something of that nature... Yeah, it's mine and Jon's fault, but at the same time, these things happen all the time. Becoming a mom is something that a lot of girls have in their mind to do before dying. That's been one of my dreams and wishes since the age of four. This isn't changing my mind on that. Nope, nada. 

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