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Hardy's POV:

Caleigh and I have both been texting back and forth like crazy teenagers. I'm in the midst of trying to convince her to move here in Nashville with me when she's done with college. She currently goes to the University of Mississippi, again, not my favorite university or team, but oh well. I'm more of a Mississippi State guy than anything. But what's a relationship without any differences? That's what keeps it fresh, entertaining, and wonderful. To me, anyway.

Obviously, Ash and I had our own similarities and differences, but it was my heart that didn't want her. My hands didn't crave for her touch, my lips didn't crave for her taste, my eyes didn't crave for her presence. It's sad to say the least, but at the end of the day, what's done is done. And I hope she's happy now. I really, really hope that Jon is everything she's hoped and dreamed of.

Should've known that fucker would've been the one of all people to reel Ashland in. As long as she's happy, that's all that really matters. Oh, but man oh man, if J does anything to Ash, I'll be on his ass within seconds. Just because I don't love or am with Ash anymore doesn't mean that I won't protect her. It's just, uh, from afar now. What am I even saying at this point? Is what I'm even stating the truth? Ugh, love is so damn hard. It's not even love, it's just my brain. Or something, hell I don't even know at this point.

No, it's definitely not true. She fucked me and my feelings over. Making me feel bad just because I was talking to Caleigh and everything. It doesn't make sense, how dare she get mad at me for talking to Caleigh, but yet, Ash can go and hangout, talk, and spend the night over at Jon's? That's ass backwards, but again, what do I know? Not much, apparently.

Shaking my head, both of my thumbs were typing a fast message that was under Ashland's contact name. Well, that's a start. She unblocked me and my phone number. It's been ages since our last text conversation. It low-key hurt to see how in love we used to be.

{{old text messages between Hardy and Ashland are down below. read if you want, they aren't that crucial to the storyline, but just skip if you don't want to see it. ☺️ also, it does have the dates of when they texted so you guys don't get confused or anything! 😜}}


Mikey! I miss you so much. I'm so sorry that I ended up catching a cold and not being able to see you.
Maybe in the next few weeks or so, we can make up for lost time. Until then, I'm hoping that the texts, calls, and FaceTimes are enough! 😘 - 12/10/19


Hey, baby. I'm so sorry you done got sick. If I was able to take it all away and put it onto myself, I'd do so in a heartbeat. You're my whole world, I can't wait until I can see and touch you physically. But hey, I'm still able to hear your sweet voice and see that beautiful face, so honestly, I can't even complain at all. Love you more than you know, Ash. ❤️ - 12/10/19


So what J told me is true? You cheated on me with a girl who lives across the country or wherever... But, baby, why? I thought what we had was special. It's because I hang out with Jon too much, isn't it? Are you jealous because of it? 😔
Don't be afraid to tell the truth, Michael. I don't have much else left to lose. - 1/8/20


God dammit! That fucker told you, of fucking course he did! 🙄 I swear to God, I will go to prison because of him. I will not hesitate, Ash. But I'm afraid it's true, I was going to tell you soon, but no time seemed like the "perfect" time, you know what I'm saying? - 1/8/20

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