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Ashland's POV:

Today's the day. The very day where either it'll go incredibly great, or incredibly terrible. Here's to hoping it's the first one more than the latter. At this point, I'm just crossing both my fingers and toes.

Kasey's mom finished the box surprise thing and I've got to say, I'm kinda jealous. It makes me wish I was the one receiving the news and box rather than J. Haha, oops. It's true though! Her mom is so talented, I cannot wait to see his reaction. It'll be a good one, hopefully. If I just keep telling myself that he'll like it, maybe it'll help with my anxiety about it all.

Since he was at the studio getting a few things done, that gave me more than enough time to prepare everything else that I'm wanting to do. Which it isn't a whole hell of a lot, but just some extra things here and there. Right now, my panic meter is down low, but I'm willing to bet once J walks through that door, it'll rise up rather quickly. It happens to the best of us though, I'll admit that.

While getting the house tided up, my playlist that was blaring on YouTube began playing "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac. Now it's a mystery as to what it was that made me start bawling my eyes out like a baby. Was it the melody? The lyrics? Gosh, you really can't be so sure, but it definitely pulled at my heartstrings quite a bit.

Once finished with the cleaning and everything, I lit an incense candle, inhaling the calming scent. It put me at ease. Using and burning incense candles definitely changed me and my life for the better. There's just something about the aroma of the stick, ahh it just has this hold on me to keep me steady.

"I can sense that you are the culprit as to why my house is all stuffed up with that incense smell. What on God's given earth is the name of that scent?" Jon asked, scaring the absolute piss out of me- literally.

"You are a damn jerk! I almost pissed myself because of you. You scared my urine and life out of me. Don't you ever do that again," I pouted, not being able to contain my laughter. "But anyway, yes. I'm burning an incense candle and you cannot stop me. Happy girl, happy world, something like that, right? Haha, you know I'm just playing with ya."

Jon nodded his head and leaned against one of the freshly cleaned countertops in the kitchen while mouthing the words to the song that was playing on my playlist. Thankfully, it was an upbeat song this go around. It was "Hell On A Highway" by Justin Moore. It's been a while since it's played on my playlist. Not complaining though.

"So, what made you decide to clean up around the house, gorgeous? Got any kind of special company coming over or anything? Do you need any help with anything at all?" He asked, making conversation with me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and titled my head side to side, indicating my answer was a "yes, but at the same time, no, because this was all supposed to be a surprise for you" kind of thing.

"Nah, no company. Just thought I'd clean up to make the house look better. And I maybe have a surprise for you.." I admitted to him, biting down hard on my lip.

"A surprise, huh? Well ain't that something? What is it? Can I have it now? Please?! Please?!" Jon practically begged me.

"Well, I don't know.. I'm a bit nervous for you to receive it, because what if you hate it..?" I hung my head down, one sneaky tear colliding onto my cheek. My index finger quickly wiped it away. 

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