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Jon's POV:

"We're finally here! Good mornin', night, or however you'd like to see it!" I exclaimed loud enough so that Ashland would wake up.

So after we went out to that café that was up in North Georgia, she went right back to sleep. Isn't that just peachy? It meant that there was less and less stops, which was definitely okay with me, to be honest.

"We- we arrived already? But, baby... I don't wanna get up..." Ash softly spoke and she had just awoken.

"I've got this. How about I come and hold you tightly in my arms, then we head inside to the check-in counter, get the key, then you can stay in the room while I get out luggage; does that sound like a plan to you, gorgeous?" I asked quietly, kissing the top of her head.

Ashland didn't say anything, but she did nod her head in response. My poor girl, she's so sleepy, yet so adorable! Hopefully once we sleep and everything, tomorrow will be better and more fun!

Right after everything was said between the two of us, I got out of the truck, went over to the passenger side, got Ash out, and the two of us started our way into the downstairs lobby.

The red-haired receptionist who looked rather tired from presumably the long work hours, gave me the key to the condo that Ashland had rented out. She insisted that she pay for the place we stay at, plus the other expenses. Once that girl has her eyes on the prize, she doesn't back down from it. She's the type of woman many people look up to, myself included.

After obtaining the key, I unlocked the door, setting Ashland down on one of the two couches that were in the living room. Not gonna lie, the condo sure is nice! At least the living room is for that matter.

{{the condo the two are staying in

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{{the condo the two are staying in. those asking, yes it's on the beach, only the best for my book characters, of course! 😇 that, and it was the first one I found that looked nice}}

"Baby, don't go..." Ashland pleaded to me, her lips forming into a pout- a very cute pout at that!

"C'mon, baby girl, you know I've got to get our luggage out of the truck. Will you be okay by yourself for like, maybe ten minutes max? You and I both know that neither of us are sleeping in jeans. We're both wearing jeans, we aren't sleeping in those. Please, gorgeous? I won't take too long. If you need something, however, you can text me," I persuaded Ash, rubbing my thumbs on the top of her hand, plus her knuckles as well.

"Okay, only on one condition; after you grab the luggage and set it down, can you come and snuggle with me? The babies miss their daddy so much." There was absolutely no way I'd be able to say no to her face or request!

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