chapter 45 | Your first one

Start from the beginning

"How are you feeling?" I sip on my coffee, and his eyes move up from his notes. "Good, why?" he brings the straw of his drink away from his lips. Not knowing how to broach the topic without y/n hearing everything, I lean towards him and speak in his ear. "Did you like the kiss last night?" I ask, even though I know he did given the boner he had afterward.

He smiles but swallows some chocolate milk. "I did."

"Your heart was racing so bad," I laugh at the memories of the hard beats I felt against my hand when I touched his chest, but he punches my thigh. "Shut up."

"You're cute," I move forward to kiss his temple since I have not been able to give him a good morning kiss like I did to y/n, but he smiles, and his phone comes in between.

He checks the text he received, but since I am used to looking over his shoulder, I do it and read what that person sent him.

That is from Kimoon.

< Hey, could I borrow your laptop for some pictures that I need to print out, please? Mine just broke yesterday while I was working and I can't do anything anymore ]

[ my laptop cannot connect to a printer;-; >

< oh, it's okay ]

[ don't you have anyone else you can ask to? >

< no, I'll just try to draw them lmao ]

He does not type but raises his eyes, so I glance up at his face. "Y/n?" he picks her, and I lay my eyes on her as well. I know what he is about to ask. "Yes?"

"Can your laptop connect to a printer?" he asks her, and she nods. "And..." he holds his phone with both hands, hesitating and probably anticipating a negative answer. "Like...Could you lend it to someone who needs to print some pics out?"

"Uhm. Sure," she accepts, but I did not expect anything else from her. "Who is it for?"

"It's...Kimoon," he tells her the truth since there is no reason to lie or hide it. "Oh," her eyes remain on his features. "Well, tell me when he needs it..." she does not reconsider her decision.  "Are you sure you don't mind?"

"If he needs it and doesn't have anyone else to ask it to," she shrugs, being too kind again. "Thank you," he smiles at her and texts him to tell him about this.

[ I got a laptop for you, when do you need it? >

< you do? Well, if it's possible, right after classes ]

[ alright, I'll come with it >

< thank you so much, I hope I didn't bother ]

[ you didn't, don't worry c: >

His screen turns black, but the curiosity ticks me off after reading this conversation. "Doesn't he have Dohyun or one of those guys who are friends with him?" I suck on the straw to fill my mouth with coffee. "He told me they don't talk to him anymore. After what people said about him just because they made assumptions after that fight they heard, they called him an asshole and said they wouldn't want such a betrayer to be their friend yeah. He doesn't talk with people that much anymore but focuses on his work as much as he can."

I did not expect this to cause this much of a problem to him.

"Is he failing?" I do not show empathy for him, even though I feel it. "Yes. His marks got so bad that he even talked about dropping out."

"Hm," I pretend not to feel guilty and bad, no matter how much he deserved to pay for his actions, this went further than I expected. "Anyway," I get out of the bed. I do not want to talk about him anymore, not now.

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