Chapter 21

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Mew's Pov

Gulf is really stubborn, but i like him no matter what.... After resting for a while we continued with our trail. He is feeling much better now. I still find it unbelievable that kana was gulf, but anyways i am glad that he likes me back as well. We did missed the evening view but being with gulf is all that matters. We are now heading back to the hotel but before that we need to go to the market for some shopping.

'' Nong, see this.. it will look good on you'' i showed him a bright orange t shirt.

 He just nodded and said ok... i think he is still feeling shy from before.. ohhh why is he so cute.

'' I also like this one phi... what do you think?'' he showed me a pink print coordinate set, with a shirt and a short. '' umm its good...anything will look great on you nong.'' i said and smiled at him and he smiled back with a hint of blush. ' isn't that shorts too short...should i say him to buy pants instead....ughhhh never mind'

We finished our shopping, had our dinner and headed back to our rooms. I wanna spend more time with him, what should i do?

'' So umm good night phi and thank you for the cloths, i'll clean and return them later'' he said.

'' Oh its not a problem you can keep it with suits you more than me anyway'' i said and he is smiling. He was about to turn towards his room.

'' umm nong wait... uh would you like to have some coffee... i mean its still early to go to bed and..and..~'' i was just thinking what more should i say to convince him when he said,'' Sure phi... lets freshen up then we can have some coffee''

'' okay! great... then i'll wait for you in my room, i'll order there only''

'' yaa okay...see you'' he said and went back to his room.

Gulf's Pov

Oh my god my heart is beating fast again... no gulf you are only going to drink coffee and have a little chat ..that's it... don't think anything else, you stupid mind. I'm out of my shower now, i took my phone and headed towards mew's room. 'just don't be nervous gulf..act normal..phew'

i knocked at his door and he opened it after a while. He is wearing a tank top with sweat pants...uff can he look anymore handsome and sexy than this, i bet he can.

'' nong you came just in time... coffee is also delivered, come i've set everything in the balcony''

i followed mew to the balcony, there is a mattress placed down with some cushions and a small table with coffee and some cookies. The lighting is dim and a soft music playing in the background...this set up is looking really dreamy and beautiful.

this set up is looking really dreamy and beautiful

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'' wow..phi.. how did you even managed to do all this''

'' you like it nong?''

'' Like it?..i am loving it phi...this is truly beautiful''

'' I'm glad you loved it, come take a seat.''we both sat together side by side.

'' I just thought it would be amazing to end our first day together with something special'' he said smiling at me. ' how can i not fall for this guy'. We started sipping on our coffee and started to have a small conversation.

'' So phi what song is this?'' i asked him. He really has an amazing playlist. I don't really have much idea about Thai songs since i'm living in Korea for a long time now.

'' This is be mine, i really love this song''

'' yaa..its lovely''

'' Do you wanna dance?''

'' No know ryt..i don't really dance''

'' i know... but you can do it with me, come on get up'' he got up and held my hand trying to pull me along.

'' noooo phiii....please naaa..'' i am trying to pull back my hand from his hold. 

We were laughing, pulling and pushing each other when suddenly he pulled with a little more force and i just stood up, got out of balance and was on top of mew as we both fell back on the mattress. ' shit not again...why do i have to always get off balance' I turned my face upwards only to realize our nose almost touching one another's. We stared at each other for a while and then i came back to my senses.

'' umm are you okay phi...wait i'll just get up'' when i shifted a little to get up, his hands that were on my waist tightened and brought me back to our previous position. 

I can feel heat crawling in my body. His gaze is making me weak in knees. Our breaths are becoming heavier..uff i can't tolerate this torture anymore. I just moved my lips and landed it on his. He closed his eyes and started reciprocating. 

His hands are moving around my body and i can feel my body reacting to it. A moan escaped my mouth when his lips went below my ear and down to neck. I flinched a little when i heard a phone ringing, mew also stopped at that sound. I looked towards my phone it was mild calling. We are both just looking at the phone and after two more rings it stopped. I looked back at mew, his face is a little red and i'm sure mine is as well. Before we can continue or think of anything, my phone started ringing again.

'' I think you should take it.'' mew said.

'' yaa..'' I got up and picked up the phone.

Gulf: Hello mild... what happened why are you calling ?

Mild : Gulfiieeeee.... my best friend gulfiieeee

Gulf : Hey mild are you drunk?

Mild : no ...yes i had a little bit...but u know i don't get drunk easily like you,,hahahaaa

Gulf : ok mild, just hold on for a minute.

I signed, He only gets drunk when he is feeling really sad. I hope its not anything serious.

'' P'mew.. would you mind if i take this call..I think it will take a while talking to i'll go to my room and will meet you tomorrow morning then''

'' ok nong.. no problem. Good night then, will see you tomorrow''


Its been almost two hours now since I've ended my call with mild . There was this girl that mild had a long time crush on and came to bar almost every weekend and today he asked her out on date only to get rejected. 

By the way he was explaining and crying i think that girl was really rude, she doesn't have to insult him. Anyways, I am not able to sleep and its already 3 in the morning. 

My mind is full of the scenarios of what could have happened if mild hadn't called. I don't even know if i am ready to take a step forward. I mean it all did felt natural and comfortable, but it was our first day together...isn't that a bit early. And a suddenly i realized something

 '' oh shit!'' 

I got up from my bed and opened my phone where i have saved mew's itinerary.

 '' Oh is Tuesday and he has his departure flight on Friday'' that means i only have 3 days left.

 We never talked about this. I don't know what he thinks about this. So will it be a long distance relationship, but that doesn't work right. And that's how i didn't even slept a wink. RIP Sleep!

A/N : Hello my lovely readers, i am really sorry for updating soooooo late. Its my masters first year and i am getting hell lot of assignments to work on so was not able to update. i will try to update more often. I hope you keep reading this story. 

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