Chapter 1

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Author's Pov

'' uff why is it so difficult to get a job here'' exclaimed gulf.

 This was his fifth failed attempt at finding a decent job since last past days. He suddenly lost his previous job because his boss planned to move out of country without telling anyone and without paying him his salary for the last 2 months. So now gulf was looking for a part time job for the time being before he finds himself a permanent one.

'' I'm telling you to work as a guide, it will pay you well. Also you know this city better than anyone'' suggested mild, his best friend. 

Gulf met mild when he first came to south Korea at a bar. Mild is a bar tender and Thai as well so gulf and he bonded well. Mild really want to help his friend as he knows someone from a travel agency who is in need of tourist guides right now so why not...but there is only one minor problem.

'' yaa ryt! you forgot something, you want me to work as a FEMALE guide, what's wrong with you and why they cant have men as their guides?'', gulf was already pissed with the situation and on top of that his best friend was suggesting something like this, from where did he even got that idea.

''I don't know its how they attract their customers or sth... But nothing is wrong in that, you are really pretty for a guy and if you cross dress no one can tell the difference and its just for a short period of time until you find another job, i don't see any harm in that, plus your savings are almost finished.'' said mild with concern.

Gulf was now really thinking deep, mild was right his savings are almost gone and he don't really have any other option right now and all he have to do is just act and behave like a women... it wouldn't be that difficult right or would it be?

'' c'mon gulf think about it overnight and give a call here if you make up your mind'' mild said while giving a business card of that agency to him.

'' i gotta go now, see you when i see you, bye''

Gulf was just staring at that card making up his mind and went to bed thinking about it.


Next morning gulf had his breakfast and went to the agency to confirm things, Yes he finally called and was called back for a meeting to see whether he can pull it off or not.

''Hello i am gulf , mild's best friend ..umm we had a talk in the morning'' gulf was now seated in front of Mr. James who arranges guides for their customers.

'' Oh my god, mild was right when he said you are pretty, i'm totally amazed'' cheered james.

This made gulf a little flustered, he wasn't used to such compliments. '' OK so we only hire girls for this job but since mild had requested me, i really can't say no to him and you do have looks so i can make an exception know you have to work as a girl so be prepared for that and this set up will only remain between you and me and of of course mild would know about it.'' continued james.

Gulf could only nod at him, he was still unsure about it but didn't really had a choice.They further talked about all the things regarding the job and when can he start. He called mild when he stepped out of the agency and informed him everything. Gulf didn't have the slightest idea how interesting his life is gonna be from now on.

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