Chapter 16

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Gulf's Pov

When i reached my room, i locked it and started taking of my wig and removing my makeup aggressively, i don't know what i was feeling anymore angry? frustrated ? disappointed? guilty?... I sat on the stool beside the bed when i heard my phone ringing, it was mild. I picked up his call.

Mild : hey are you, having fun there? (his tone cheerful as always)

Gulf : ...

Mild : hey are you there, what happened why aren't you speaking?

Gulf : m..mild!...( my voice cracked while i tried to talk to him tears ready to fall anytime)

Mild : gulf are you crying? what happened, you are fine right?

Gulf : mild i really like him, i don't know what to do, i..i want to be with him but i can' hurts..( i am a crying mess right now)

Mild : calm down gulf please, tell me what happened from the start.

i calmed down a little and started telling him everything

Mild : okay so you finally realized that you like him a lot and he even feels the same and confessed to you but his feelings are not really for you but for kana which is still you and you are feeling guilty for deceiving him.

Gulf : yes... (well that is what it is in short).. what should i do now, how am i gonna face him.

Mild : its simple i think you should tell him the truth...its not like you intentionally lied to him...

Gulf : what noooo... what if he hates me and is disgusted with me for me being a guy and you've seen him with those girls in the club, i don't think he's gonna look at me the same after knowing the truth.

Mild : but if he really likes you , i don't think it should matter if you are kana or gulf, right?

Gulf : i don't know i am afraid, i don't want to loose him, i won't mind maybe staying friends with him till his trip rather be disgusted or hated by him.

Mild : i understand you but i still think you should talk to him you never know what happens, all i am saying is think about it because that is the only way.

Gulf : okay i'll think about it, thank you so much mild

Mild : i am always there for you

i ended the call and went to take a bath.


Next morning i woke up early as i have to settle everything for the stay at reception before leaving for Gyeongju-si. I was searching for my bag when i heard a knock on my door. ' that must be p'mew..aghhh how am i gonna face him, what should i do, think gulf think..' i opened the door and greeted him like i always do, i know he wants to talk to me but i'm not ready yet, i'll have to tell him everything and i'll do that once i prepare myself.

Mew's Pov

What the hell even happened.... everything was going great. I finally said what i felt and when i kissed her that feeling was just amazing. But suddenly she pushed me away and said she was sorry..'did she reject me?' i am not sure, but she kissed me back then what really happened? why did she suddenly ran away? i was left there standing alone on the beach processing everything.

But then i decided to go and talk to her, i picked up both of our bags and rushed back to hotel. I called her, but her phone was busy....'who is she talking to?' ...i knocked on her door once i reached in front of her room but there wasn't any reply. I decided to talk to her in morning and went back to my room after a few more failed attempts.I really want to be with her and i will not back down without trying my best. I called her once again before going to sleep but it went to her voicemail.


Next morning i woke up really early and got ready. I went to kana's room to invite her for the breakfast and knocked, but again no response. I pulled out my phone from my pocket to call her when the door of her room opened.

''Good morning phi'' she said and smiled at me which i could sense was really a forced one.But before i could say anything she continued. 

'' phi you can go and have your breakfast and be ready by noon, i have to go and settle somethings. I'll meet you directly at the hotel's entrance with luggage n everything.'' and started to move but i stopped her. 

'' wait kana about the last night, i..~''

'' phi i'm getting late, i'll talk to you later'' and with that she went away.

' may be she needs some space and time to think' i thought and went my way making up my mind on what to do next. After breakfast i came back to my room to pack my suitcase. When i almost done packing i went to the front table to grab my camera when a bag beside it fell down, resulting in all its stuff spreading on the floor.

''Shit'' i cursed as i realized it was kana's bag that i took with me last night. 'i hope there isn't anything broken' i crouched down to assemble everything back in the bag when something caught my eyes.

A/N: Thank you everyone for reading my story and supporting it through your votes and comments. Luv you all <3 <3

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