Where it all started

Start from the beginning

"Sure ok. But you don't know everything yet" i gave him that sarcastic look "Elaina I had my computer master here track you down and find out everything about you"

"Whatever" i said "Oh come on, don't you remember those moments we both had" Lionel said smirking


"No" i said 

"Omg what happened!?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine"

"No you will not be fine, let me help you"

"Elaina I'm fine, go back to your room. Plus you don't know how to help me"

I scoffed "if you knew me you wouldn't ask me that"

"Whatever ever"

"I'm Gonna help you. I don't care what you tell me"

I go to the restroom and luckily he had a Aid kit. I took it and went back to him. I had trouble trying to get my self to be in a more comfortable way. Not until I felt two strong arms grab my waist and siting me onto to his hip.

"Your welcome love"

I rolled my eyes playfully and started to cure him. I put the bandage on. And I can tell it hurt a little cause Lionel grabbed my hip hard.

"Sorry" he said

"It's ok don't worry" I finished up the last touches "there, you should be fine to walk tomorrow"

I got off of him and as soon as I was gonna walk away. He grabbed my arm

"Please don't go. Stay"

"Lionel, I-"


I thought of it. But I ended up laying next to him

"Thank you"

"Your welcome" I said smiling

He pulled me closer to him and we started cuddling.
There was something about him that I had to figure out. We both ended up falling asleep

"I know you do Elaina. We had good memories"

"Ok fine I do. But don't think that i'm gonna change on how I feel about you"

"Wait, so this is what it's all about"


"You like me" he said smirking

"What n-"

"You what!" Said Olivia

"Oh here we go again" I said under my breath not knowing if they heard me or not "Olivia what are you doing here?"

"I live here duh"

"Olivia i told you already that you don't live here, i'm only letting you stay because you don't have a home"

"I still live here" she rolled her eyes "Whatever" said Lionel

"Now look you little bitch, you stay away from my man, you understood" she said walking close to me "What makes you think I'll listen to you"

"Oh you did not just say that"

"Oh, I think  i actually did say that" Olivia was about to slap me, but Lionel stopped her"Olivia, if you lay a hand on her I'll blow your head off, that your gonna beg for your life"

"M-my bad, I'll l-leave now" and with that she left "I could've handle Her" i said crossing my arms looking away "I know you could've. but no one is touching whats mine, understood"

Oh my, with those words that just came out of his mouth, my face red like a tomato. His voice makes me want to do crazy things with him. I know he was my kidnapper, but he was so damn hot, that I wanted him to touch my body, I wanted to sit on his lap like last time, I just needed him.

Wow who knew those words that that came out of his mouth, would turn me on already- OMG DID HE JUST TURN ME ON?

"you understand Elaina?"

"Y-yes, I understand" wow I couldn't even talk properly. God what is he doing to me! "Good girl" he was now while walking back to his room. 

Oh my god, is he really going to leave me here all horny? "Be ready by 10, we're going out"


And with that I left to my room, with a red face, and with butterflies in my stomach.

Hope you guys liked this part. I got butterflies while making this part. I was even smiling ahhhh.

Anyways hope you had a good day

Anyways hope you had a good day

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