~Chapter 13 Raid~

Start from the beginning

"Has merit, if we're fractured then it makes us weak." Bomber, Lost Brotherhoods Seargent at Arms agreed. The rest nodded in agreement.

"Take it back to your Pres, we'll bring it to chapel tomorrow. We got each other?" Pyro said.

"We got each other!" We answered in unison. Whether Drifters knew it or not what they were up to was doomed from then start. As sister clubs we always had each others back. Hell, all three club presidents were related.

I spent the rest of the night watching Sedia and catching up with the other clubs. What I wanted to do was grab Sedia and find a horizontal surface, get lost in her. The magic we had was still there, the few kisses I'd stolen proved it. Finally the last few customers gone I approached her at the bar, Pyro alongside me. Back up? Moral support? Who the fuck knew, I just needed him there.

"So, you see anything since Monday?" I reached out, taking her hand.

"The thing is, I'm not sure. Out of the corner of my eye I think so but but if I turn nothing. Always when I'm alone in town." She pulled her hand back, glaring at me.

"What about before Raid got out?" Pyro asked.

"A couple times? Maybe? In the months before, I think." She answered uncertain.

"Sed, I don't like this at all. I'm sticking around while you close." I stated, not giving her a chance to disagree. No way was I letting anything happen to her. I looked at Pyro who nodded his agreement.

"Hey Red, Deanne still around?" Pyro looked around the empty bar.

"Might be, go look in the back. Raid, if you insist on staying make yourself useful. Wipe down the tables and put the stools up." Sed instructed.

"You want me to mop too?" I teased, gently curling a lock of hair around her ear.

While I got busy with the spray bottle and cloth she handed me Sedia started behind the bar. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as she meticulously cleaned each tap, her eyes darting away each time they met mine. She was printing off the nights till receipt when I finished up with the tables. She looked asleep on her feet standing there. I couldn't resist, I rubbed shoulders, feeling the tension under my fingers dissolve. A brush of my lips on her neck and she turned around eyes wide. Easily I lifted her onto the counter, got lost in her. Mesmerized by the flecks of hazel in her green eyes.

We were inches apart, breathing the other in. I don't know who moved first. All I knew was that I needed to taste her, feel her. She was a pounding in my soul. I took over the kiss, needing in her anyway I could. My cock roared to life as she moaned, kicked as her hand reached between us tentatively. She stroked my cock over my jeans, just enough to make me crazy. Not enough to give me the relief I needed. My cock remembered the feel of her hand, the grip of her tight pussy. Between her hand on my cock and her tongue sliding against mine it was all I could do to beat back the orgasm that threatened. A loud clearing of a throat and Pyro's laughter brought us crashing to reality.

"Everything good Sed?" Deanne questioned softly.

No it wasn't, there was no hiding the massive tent in my jeans as Sedia jumped off the counter "All good, I'll see you tomorrow night." They exchanged a look. Apparently Deanne knew nothing about Sed and I.

"I'll see you back at the clubhouse Pyro." I waved him away shaking my head at the laughter in his eyes. I checked the front doors while Sedia opened the cash drawer and took out the drawer.

"I've got to balance the till, I'm assuming you're staying." She headed through the staff door leaving me to grab us a couple coke. I knew the drill.

"Damn Sed, you look beat." In the bright light of the room I could see the circles under her eyes. I pulled up the other rolling chair and put her feet in my lap.

"Ryker and Ryder had me up at 7 this morning. Thank God Jordan doesn't leave till Sunday. He's gotta be back on base by Monday then they ship out in two weeks." She pulled her feet away and started sorting the cash.

"Sed, will you give me your damn feet, for fuck sakes. I'm just going to rub them." I pulled both into my lap again and took off her shoes. Massaging each foot, the silence between us stretched. So many questions on the tip of my tongue, I held back relishing the moment between us. "You out back?" At her nod I continued "I'm coming with you to do the deposit."

"Oh, I'll be..." She got up slowly putting her shoes back on.

"Nope, you have everything?"

She walked over to a bunch of lockers and grabbed her coat and purse. "All right then, if you must. I'm telling you I'll be fine."

We walked out the back door, Sed locking it behind her. The deposit went without trouble, after she dropped me back at my bike. We sat for a minute, staring at each other. I knew if I reached for her again she'd be riding my dick in the blink of an eye. My cock screamed at me but with a kiss to her forhead I reluctantly got out. If Jordan wasn't there I'd simply drive her home. She looked like she'd fall asleep at the wheel.

"I'm following you home." I said before I closed the door. I wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise. She lowered the window to protest, I simply ignored her and threw a leg over my bike. Once my helmet was on I started her up. Revving impatiently and motioning for her to go. It wasn't until I saw her go in the house and the lights turn off that I backed out of the drive. Neither of us noticed the shadow moving along the edge of her property.

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