I just smile at him

Burke: Be very careful how you two answer that.

Man: I could tell some stories.

Burke: Bill, you have a camera snaking up your mojo. It's not the time to cross me.

Woman: It isn't anything too serious?

Burke: That's what this procedure will tell us. You don't worry about anything but growing my godson in there.

Woman: He kicks like you wouldn't believe.

Burke: A badass, just like his father. Move a little to the right. Your other right. There.

Bill: What do you see? What is it?

Burke: Could be any number of things. Hayden-Gilmore, take a biopsy of the mass. Dr. Karev, schedule a CT. Let's not worry until we have to.

Bill is getting his CT and Alex and I are in the scanning room

Alex: I gotta say, I didn't think you had it in you. It's always the quiet ones. So hows screwing the head of neurosurgery behind Greys back

I choke on air

Isabelle: Excuse me

Alex: Oh, come on. I saw you to talking or more like arguing out in the parking lot, only lovers fight like that.

Isabelle: Eww no! God I feel sick

Alex: If that's not it, then why would you be yelling at your boss.

Isabelle: Oh god, he basically my brother I have known him since middle school. Now can you just keep your mouth quiet about it.

Results show up from the CT scan, and its peculiar

Alex: We better get Burke.

We run off to find him with the results.

Burke is reviewing Bill's scan images with Alex

Burke: There's definitely a growth, protruding into the bladder, but look at the edges. I don't think it's a tumor.

Alex: Kind of shaped like an ovary.

Burke: That the flip answer you're gonna give your patient, Dr. Karev? This is one of my oldest friends. You might want to take this seriously.

Alex: I'm sorry, sir.

Burke: You better be.

I enter the room

Isabelle: I got the rest of the labs back. They did a chromosome analysis of the tissue. You won't believe this.

Burke looks at the lab results

Burke: Bill has an ovary? (Bill and Burke smile at each other through the glass)

I am sitting down at a table with Cristina and Izzie, when Alex and George join. Izzie is feeling Cristina's forehead

Cristina: Hey, syph-boy.

George: You told them?

Izzie: Just Cristina.

Christina: I told Isabelle

I nod

Alex: "Syph-boy." It's got a nice ring to it, it's kinda like Superboy, only diseased.

Cristina: Izzie didn't have to say a word. Around here, the only thing that spreads faster than disease is gossip.

George: That's not true. Just cause Izzie can't keep her mouth shut doesn't mean everyone knows.

(Meredith enters)

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