Chapter Two - Phone Call

Start from the beginning

"Soul, you did the right thing." Tsubaki told him in a light, reassuring voice that made him relax his tense stance. "But she's not saved yet, Soul. She's still broken."

"I know," he sighed, finally turning around to look back into his apartment through the window of the balcony. To his relief, Maka was still there, she haden't tried to flee. She was just... sitting there. Staring blankly at the floor. He turned his back again, he didn't want her to see him distressed.

"I understand. But we can fix her, right?" he asked, somewhat desperately.

"Of course we can, Soul." Tsubaki said confidently. Soul sighed with relief, smiling into the phone. He chuckled as he finally noticed Blackstar's voice in the background, demanding to know what's going on.

"Put Star on, Tsu."

He heard some rummaging before hearing his friends booming voice.

"SOUL! Why did you ring your Gods girlfriend and not your God?" he shouted, making Soul lean away from the phone slightly as he grimaced.

"Jeez, Star, lower you voice. I needed her help with something is all. Hey, you're around 16 right?"

"I am 16, hotshot. Just cause you're 2 years older doesn't give you the right the disrespect your God!"

"Oh, I am aware. Anyway, does a girl named Maka Albarn go to our school by any chance? I'm a senior so I wouldn't know."

The line went quiet for a while, Soul frowned slightly. "Star?"

"...You know Maka, Soul?"

"Do you?" Soul asked in disbelief.

Blackstar sighed and cursed lightly. Soul widened his eyes in confusion and astonishment. He'd never heard his best friend act so serious.

"This... girl. The one you were talking about to Tsubaki? That wasn't Maka right? Please tell me that wasn't Maka." He begged, his voice strained and cracking at the end.

"Her name is Maka Albarn," Soul said slowly and precisely, he couldn't hear Blackstar breathing on the other line anymore. "I met her today at the cliffs, where she was about to jump. She wasn't messing around Star, I only just saved her."

Blackstar let out a puff of air and cursed again before coughing to hide a sob. Soul's eyes widened again. "What exactly is your relationship with Maka, Star?"



There was a tense silence before he finally caved, his voice absolutely heart broken.

"Maka is wa- Is my sister. I was adopted into her family as a kid but I left about four years ago, when we were 12 I think, because her parents got a divorce and the adoption agency decided I shouldn't remain in the family because the divorce might cause me stress, so they moved me on. She lives on the other side of the city, bad neighborhood." Blackstar sighed before continuing.

"She's never had it easy, she was bullied for the entire time I was with her. I'd scare them off but they always found a way around me, it must have gotten so much worse..."

He trailed off and Soul couldn't contain his shock. Maka was Blackstar's sister? This is insane. He cleared his throat again as he took in the new information.

"She'd kill herself over bullying?"

"Jeez, Soul if you'd have seen it. These kids were ruthless, absolutely merciless. They'd do everything to tear her down, to break her. It was heart breaking to watch and I'm tough! I can't even explain..."

There was another silence, before Blackstar spoke again, his voice now hard. And angry.

"Is Maka still there Soul?" he asked in a taut voice.


"Good. Keep her there. We're going to have a little... chat."

"Star, I don't think that's a good idea. I already gave her a telling off and I really do thin-"

"You don't know my sister, Soul." He snapped, outraged. "When she makes a decision, she sticks to it. If she wanted to take her own life, she would've thought it through. Thoroughly. She reckless. And stubborn. If she wants to kill herself, then she'll kill herself." Soul blinked at the outburst, and even checked she was still there over his shoulder. He sighed with relief when she was.

"Fine. I get it. I'll keep her here."

"Good. Me and Tsubaki are on our way." And the line went dead.

Soul sighed in exasperation and stared at his phone before making his way inside, sighing as he made his way over to the small blonde who'd caused his so much stress in the 45 minuets he knew her.

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