Chapter Three - Reunion

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Maka shuffled awkwardly in her seat as Soul made his way back into the room, distress plain on his face. He look troubled. She raised a brow at him as he glared at the hardwood floor beneath their feet, before finally speaking up.

"What's wrong?" she asked suspiciously, her brow still arched up.

Soul sighed before casting his eyes to her, his own narrowed with worry.

"Well, actually my roommate it on her way here..." he began guardedly, looking away from her as he trailed off.

"Yeah..." Maka urged him on, her own eyes narrowing as she tilted her head at the man.

"Yeah, she's bringing her boyfriend along also..." he visibly winced then, making Maka lean forward to eye his expression.

"What's the problem?" she asked, an edge of annoyance lacing through her voice.

Soul sighed again before standing up, making his way over to the kitchen before calling over his shoulder.

"You'll see. You hungry?"

Maka opened her mouth to call him out on changing the subject, before snapping it shut. Why should she even care? She grumbled as she stood to follow him, wrapping her arms comfortably around her torso as she leaned in the doorway to eye him make his way skilfully around the kitchen.

"Well?" he asked as he continued making his way around, pulling a couple of glasses from a cupboard.

"...No, I'm good." She told him, turning to head back into the living room again.

"Maka." Soul said in warning, making her freeze and turn stiffly to face him, her expression blank.

"You're not hungry." It was more of a statement, but his eyes bored into hers as he said so, making her cast her eyes away sheepishly, looking anywhere but at him.

"No, I'm not. Thanks anyway."

Soul eyed her a second longer before placing a glass onto the counter, spreading his palms over it as he leant forward to eye her. She squirmed under his gaze.

"When's the last time you ate?" he asked suddenly, making Maka flinch. She thought back, tilting her head in concentration. Two days ago? Three? She couldn't remember.

"Before," she lied. "Before I left my place I stopped at a café."

"You suck a lying, Maka." He told her sternly, his eyes revealing the anger she was already so accustomed with. Maka attempted to meet his furious gaze with a hard stare, but her expression looked pitiful compared to his. She finally dropped her eyes to the floor.

"Two or three days ago. I was out of cash, and I don't each much anyway."

Soul's face took no expression after her confession, he did close his eyes slowly before gesturing at the table in the middle of the kitchen.

"Sit down," he told her quietly before turning his back. "I'll order out when Tsubaki and... her boyfriend get here."

Maka's stomach clenched at the sound of food, she was heading toward the table when she heard a key turning in a lock. She missed Soul's shoulders tensing, but she turned in time to watch him turn around cautiously in the direction of the front door.

"Seems like they're here," he breathed, making his way around the counter and past Maka, heading back into the living room.

Maka followed him a moment after, somewhat reluctantly. She got there just in time to see the door swing open, before meeting a pair of fuming pale green eyes.

Maka felt her own eyes widen as she took in her older brothers appearance. Confusion and shock flooded over her as he mouth dropped open, stopping mid-step. He had traded in his previous assassin/ninja outfit for a pair of boy-ish joggers and pale grey t-shirt. His pale blue hair was just as spikey as always but it looked much more tamed. Her attention turned to the girl at his side as he pulled his hand from hers. She was pretty. Beautiful even. Her raven black hair was impossibly long, even in its high ponytail, Maka predicted it would fall behind her knees when let loose. Her flawless hour glass figure was modest and natural, her kind dark blue eyes made her approachable. Trusting.

A snarl brought her attention back to her furious brother.

Blackstar stormed forward towards her, his green eyes alight with fury. Maka thought he was going to grab her shoulders and shake her, just as Soul did. Or get right up in her face as he yelled at her, scaring her into attempting to make the promise she couldn't keep. She squeezed her eyes shut as he got closer, waiting for one of the two.

She felt two strong arms wrap around her.

Blackstar was hysterical. Her brave big brother, the boy she shared her crib with. The boy who fought off her bullies and had no fear she knew of what so ever, was crying. Sobbing on her shoulder and struggling for breath, breathing uncontrollably. For the first time in a long time Maka felt a waves of emotions flow over her. Guilt, regret, sadness... She felt her eyes well up with tears as she finally returned his embrace, causing another sob to burst from the boy's lips.

"Don't you... ever... scare me like that... again." He stuttered, gasping between words. Maka chuckled sadly, hugging him tighter.

"I'm sorry I worried you," she muttered.

Blackstar stood straight then, and Maka realised she had to hang her head back to look up at him. He'd grown. A lot. He looked at her expression before sighing, and wrapping her arms around her again. This time, he was the one doing the comforting. It was Maka's face buried in his neck, him making shushing noises to her. It was only then she realised she was crying.

"It's alright Maka, shush, shush..." he whispered, swaying them slightly in a comforting motion, making Maka cry out more.

"Where the hell... have you been?" Maka gasped in between cries, just about making Blackstar's heart break. Why wasn't he there for her when she needed him? Would it have killed him to pay a visit, check on her? He asked himself before drawing an arm up to press him palm over his eyes as he continued to hug his little sister.

The two on lookers fought tears themselves. Tsubaki didn't win that battle, she brushed away some stray tears from her eyes with the back of her hand, a palm pressed over her chest as she watched the scene before her.

Soul's jaw was taut, his palms clenched into fists as he eyes the scene, turning his face away to glare at the floor. How had this girl made him care for her so much in so little time? The sobs that broke from her lips wrenched at his heart and made breathe struggle to pass him lips. He hung his head as he listened to the two sibling's reunion, fighting the bewilderment of seeing his best friend so upset, so serious. It was so painfully out of character it made it so difficult to watch, it made it so real.

Soul looked up as the two pulled away from each other and looked to himself and Tsubaki. He stifled a wince as he knew what was to come now. They were to sit down and talk of it. He himself was reluctant to discuss this matter. God knew what Maka was feeling right now.

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