"It's not my place to intrude.." She said and then walked over sitting on the bed. "But if you insist.."

If anyone ever wonders where I get my thirst for gossip, it's a no brainer.

"I do."

"Was there ever a time when those two talked and Shay did something unlike herself?"

It was like an instant flash. "I have." I said enthusiastically. " They had an argument with Luca."

And he provoked her like no one else. It was very unusual for Shay because she usually has it her way and crushes her opponent. But this time she was also very vulnerable with someone who wasn't me.

"Just tell him to use that attitude. She needs to be out of her comfort zone to feel something."

Oh I seee...

"Thanks mom." I smiled satisfied. "I owe you coffee."

She just shrugged. "Just get a boyfriend and we'll call it even. You go to all these parties and meet all these people and nothing."

"You know other moms forbid their daughters to date. They are strictly against it."

She glanced at me. "Well sue me for being worried. You haven't liked anyone else since that boy from middle school.

Um.. yeah she wasn't wrong there. "Wait..how did you know that?"

She gave me an are you kidding me look. "You'd scribble his name everywhere. It was on notebooks, books, erasers, inside of pencil cases. I cleaned your room honey, I didn't even have to try snooping. One look over your desk, ay-ay-ay."

I was about to try cover up this embarrassment when I heard dad yelling from the hallway.

"That coffee turned into tea!"

"Well it's going to turn into nothing if you keep rushing me." She yelled out the door.

"That man loves me so much, he just can't live without me. "

She winked and then left my room. Adorable.

I immediately called Luca.

"Hey." He answered obviously in a good mood.

"So. How did the date go?" I circled around the topic.

"It went great." He answered.

"She still said it felt friendly."

"I figured. But I'm feeling my way around it. Gathering information and so on. I'm just getting started."

"Good, good." I said happy to hear that. "Well then let me give you a groundbreaking information."



The next morning I left the house in a mess, but I was too late for school to care. I had spent all morning coming up with an outfit that was school-appropriate and at the same time cute enough for a date, but also not to look like I tried too much.

And let me tell you, I nailed it.

I wore a white turtleneck with a thin strap red dress over it and cute white tights that matched my white boots well and made the outfit elegant.

I walked through the halls with confidence making my ways to my classroom.

To my surprise, Bradberry was waiting by the door causing a commotion in my class.

They were nervous and fidgeting.

"Good morning student body president." I smiled standing next to her.

Little Wicked Game (2021)Where stories live. Discover now