"I was forced to." She dropped down on the living room couch next to me.

I sighed. "You don't like him and you told him you don't like him. He'll get over it."

I hoped.

"I just got so angry cause we had such a good friendship you know."

"Yeah I know. You guys hung out without me after school sometimes."

"Well you had other things..."

"Yes I understand that, no hard feelings, I'm just pointing it out."

"Look..I know you like Luca and I know that you're secretly hoping that we'd get together because in your head it's some sort of strategic alliance for this war, but I don't see him that way."

I took her hand. "One, you're trying really hard to convince me that you don't see him that way. Two, it's scary how well you know me. "

She sighed disappointed. "Like.. I don't think I can change my mind about this.."

I stared at her.


"Oh nothing."I looked away.

"You have something to say, spit it out."

"No..no.. you know best." I looked down at my nails.


I glanced up at her. "Isn't this exactly what you hate?"

"What? Elaborate woman."

"Well you always said you hate it when your mom says "you can't choose who you love, or the heart doesn't choose who it falls in love with." and this kind of proves that theory right?"

Shay stared at me blankly.

"I'm not saying this to hurt you, I just think that maybe with this you can cut your parents some slack and I'm not saying that they're not in the wrong here but.."

I noticed what I was saying wasn't getting through to her. She was frozen in time and space.

"Shay? Hello? Shay Lee!" I waved a hand in front of her face.

She finally turned towards me. "You're right. This proves her theory."


She rose up and started pacing around the living room. "Unless I do something about it."

"You're losing me."

She was on a roll. "I have to prove this theory wrong. I have to date someone I don't like and see if I catch any feelings."

"Uh..I think this is a bit of a rushed idea."

"No, this is good." She pushed her hair back. "I can test this. And if I develop feelings then it means it can be controlled to some measure."

"Oh boy."

She crossed her arms and turned towards me. "I'm going to date Luca."

"Can we retrace how.."

"He gets what he wants, which is a chance with me and I get to see if my heart changes or not."

"You know this theory is not valid if you have some feelings for him now."

"Honey, he hugged me and I felt nothing. "

I somehow had a hard time believing that. She never let anyone hug her before and she allowed Luca twice in one day.

Mom walked in her robe, carrying a wine glass and she sat on the armchair playing a telenovela on the TV.

I sighed. "We're in the middle of something here mom."

Little Wicked Game (2021)Where stories live. Discover now