"What!?!" Me and Jafar screamed when Abdullah laughed. The droplets of water cascaded down his face and shined in the light.

"I'm kidding Subhana'Allah. It's not that. Yesterday when we dropped the luggage here, you forgot yours Imran, so I took it for you and found dads will in it. But Salma-"

Before Abdullah could talk Salma came and started throwing rocks at us.

The rocks slammed into the water and we began splashing around trying to dodge them. Abdullah ducked under the water and swam to the deck while me and Jafar jumped out and started yelling at her.

"Salma wait! What did he do?" Salma ignored us and took something from behind her back.

"I'm going to rip it Abdullah. Give it back now."

I frowned and gasped when I realized she was holding dads will in her hand.

"You rip it, and I'm tossing this diary in the pool." Abdullah had a determined smirk on his face as he watched Salma's eyes widened in horror.

I looked between them in shock while Jafar started to scream.

"Why do you have uncle Dawud will, and why in the name of Allah do you have her diary!?" Abdullah laughed and shrugged; the water dripping from his heavy jacket.

Salma huffed and crossed her arms.

"That's not my Diary. It's Anisa's and Abdullah started it." 

"I did not! You stole the will!"

"You took the diary!"

"Only because you stole the will first!"

I sighed and took a step between them. Anisa came behind Salma and frowned at Jafar who was peaking inside the diary.

"Jafar I will castrate you." She spoke with her jaw clenched and glared at him. He just put his hands up and smiled.

"Fine. I'll act like I didn't see our names in there." Anisa gasped and ran at him. Jafar just laughed and hid behind Abdullah, while Salma held her back.

"Everyone calm down! What happened? Someone please explain!"

Abdullah and Salma started to scream when Ansia whistled really loud. Everyone turned to her in shock. She looked tired and about ready to fall asleep at any moment.

She sighed and ran a hand down her face. "Okay, yesterday when you dropped your bag, Abdullah went to get it. That was the same time we came to the house. When we seen him digging in your bag, we told him that we would tell on him. He ignored us and walked away, but dropped the will on the floor." Abdullah looked appalled  before he nodded and looked down.

"So, I went to pick it up and frowned when it was just a paper with a couple ayat on it. Then Salma realized this was the paper you guys hid from us that day at school." Salma nodded and smiled.

"So, we decided to keep it. Sooner or later he would come to look for it anyways right? So, this morning I was writing in my ...journal." Jafar snorted and Anisa threw him a glare.

"As i was saying, i was writing in my journal when Abdullah snatched it from my hands and demanded to give him the will. And we started to scream and he ran, so now we're here." Everyone was silent for a while when Salma sighed and pulled out her hand.

"So. Give it up Abdullah." He shook his head and smirked.

"Hand me the will first." Jafar backed him up and started for the will when Salma pulled it back. Suddenly everything when it slow motion.

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