summer camp // sasha

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i havent proof read this so if u see errors pls let me know thx
also there arent any spoilers in here but theres a little reference to a quote from ch 123 (aot manga) which you should all go read right now.

summer camp // sasha

Sun shone down on the path in spots of sunlight, giving the forest an almost ethereal feeling. It was mid-July, and your vision was flooded with greens and pinks and yellows from the hike to camp. You and Sasha had been coming to WoodCreek summer camp since you were kids, each tear changing cabins named after constellations based on your age. Hydra Cabin was where you'd be staying this year, but unfortunately it was known for being filthy.

"Are those edible?" you heard Sasha ask your guide as she pointed to some crimson colored berries on a round bush.

"Anything's edible if you try hard enough," he told Sasha strangely, making you both a bit visibly uncomfortable, "but... uh—no. No, you'll get sick."

Sasha laughed uncomfortably and slowed her pace to let the guide get farther ahead of you both. "What the fuck?" she asked, "Did you catch that?"

"Yeah," you replied, grimacing. You were genuinely angry at the guide for talking to Sasha that way, but he didn't say anything else for the rest of the hike so you left him alone other than an occasional disapproving look.

You finally arrived at the camp, feeling a huge wave of nostalgia wash over you. You immediately grinned and looked around.

WoodCreek was the exact same as it had been when you left it. A large gravel clearing in the center with paths leading of in different directions to classes and cabins, and a big mess hall and meeting area next to the clearing. Last year, you'd been told that the path to the Hydra cabin was just past the archery range, which Sasha had been stoked about.

"Let's go put our stuff in the cabin," you said to Sasha, glancing over to see her also smiling, "then we can go get our stuff for the classes."

"After we stop at the range!" Sasha half-agreed before turning and running toward the archery range. Everyone looks stupid running in a backpack, but Sasha managed to make it look fun. You watched her run off down the path and followed at a normal pace, but decided 'fuck it' and ran to catch up with her. Unlike Sasha, you were not confident in the way you looked while running with a backpack, but it only really mattered if Sasha was watching.

Not because you wanted her to find you attractive, of course. Just because she was your best friend and you wanted her to not think you were dumb. Yes.

When you made it to the range, you found Sasha's backpack already laying at the foot of the steps to the range's wooden pavilion. You smiled and rolled your eyes, not surprised by the speed at which Sasha had managed to get ahold of a bow and arrow.

You dropped your backpack and walked up the steps to meet Sasha, one arm extended and the other holding an arrow, carefully aiming at a bullseye. She inhaled, then let out a calm breath at released the arrow.

"Nine!" you said, flashing her the smile you hadn't been able to get rid of since you both arrived, "Not bad."

"Get one!" she encouraged you, waving her bow towards the closet where the others were kept, "Let's have a competition."

"Yeah, right," you said, "You're too excited to even put on a bracer. I'd win too easily." You shrugged teasingly, though you truly were concerned about Sasha getting hurt.

Once Sasha had met all the necessary safety requirements, you grabbed a bow, quiver, and bracer and stepped into the lane next to Sasha's.
"Best of three?" Sasha asked when she returned from collecting her arrow.

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