"What I mean is that she is the living stereotype of spoiled hot rich girl who the only good thing she has is her looks, to not mention her heritage. And about the looks part that's debatable, I mean look at her she is like a smashed tomato."

The crimson haired heiress grew a tick mark in anger. This man was starting to get her out her nerves. Her attention was stolen when she heard Akeno giggling at the silly remark that the Black Dragon Emperor just made.

"Why are you laughing? It's not funny."

"You have to admit that's a little funny. Can't you see that he's joking? Don't you think that's a good signal?"

Akeno shared with and Rias analyzed it for a moment and it was true.

If he was joking that openly that meant he at least was comfortable here. That or he was trying to manipulate them. And that last one was very unlikely. From the vibe she got out the Black Dragon Emperor didn't frequented manipulation as a way of action. Maybe she was overestimating her own knowledge about him. Not like she even knew him.

"I guess you're right."

Back to the Dragon Emperors, Issei had something to say about that.

"That's your opinion, but I personally consider her someone really pretty... beautiful if I can say. Plus her boobs..."

That last part he whispered to himself but the other male got it but decided to ignore it.

Rias grew a blush after hearing of Issei's compliment. Of course she didn't heard the last part.

"Obviously. I mean, you basically risked your life and dignity just to save her from that marriage. The least you can think is that she is pretty."

"I thank you for that.. I mean it, without you I couldn't have done that. Thank you."

Hearing his words of gratitude he smiled a bit under the veil that masked his face.

"You welcome. It's good to see you starting getting conscious about things. That mindset will serve you well when our time arrive and I have to fight you."

Issei made a slightly uncomfortable face. The fact of having to fight him in the future unnerved him

"I guess, but I don't hope for that time to arrive anytime shortly."

"Oh well you can assured that I am a patient man, I will confront you whether you provoke me or when you grow strong enough for the real fight. However, I couldn't say the same for the White. She is a little more... Impatient."

"Wait. Have you met the White Dragon Emperor and did you just said that she is a girl?!"

He seemed relatively surprised before these revelations.

"We surely have had our clashes not so far in the past and yes, she is a woman. I thought you knew that already since you established contact with your dragon."

"Well.. from what I see, Ddraig is someone of few words. He rarely gives me any detailed information."

"That's normal. Naturally Dragons aren't too fond of their hosts. They're prideful creatures and the fact that they're trapped within a specie which they consider as inferior beings can be a little humiliating for them."

"I see. That.. makes sense. I wouldn't like to be slave for someone else.."

Much to everyone surprise the Black Dragon Emperor started laughing loudly.

Noticing the weird gazes he was getting he apologized for his outburst

"I apologize for that. But I couldn't help but to consider it a little funny."

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now