Chapter 1

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A sleepy Iruka fell onto his rear, rubbing his face to ease the pain. He turned his head up at the tree he fell out of. Then heard a someone walk up to him.

He faced what he thought, was a petite short haired boy. Holding out a hand for him.

"Hey, Are you alright?"

"Oh uhm yeah! I am."

Iruka gladly pulled himself with the help of the (h/c) haired boy. Who wore a smile and oddly hopeful eyes.

"You alright? That looked like a nasty fall."

Iruka scratched the back of his neck and chuckled, nodding as he dusts himself.

"Yea, I'm okay. No fall can keep me down!"

Iruka then placed his hands on his hip with a confident grin.

"Good to know."

(Y/n) chuckled at his antic. Iruka this time held out an hand them, offering to shake.

"Anyway, I'm Iruka Umino. You can just call me iruka"

"Uh-...Yeah, nice to meet Iruka. My name is (y/n), just (y/n)." they then went to shake his hand.

"No last name huh? wait, I haven't seen you around, are you new?"

"Er.... Well sort of, i've been saying here for about a week now."

"Oh cool."

After some uncomfortable silence, (y/n) then looked around, and bid iruka an awkward goodbye, before leaving. Iruka then looked back at them and asked for them to stop.

Which made (y/n) stop their tracks and look back at him with a questioning look and curiosity.

"Is it okay if we hang at some time? Were friends now right?"

(Y/n) gave a bright smile and a thumbs up

"Hope to see you soon, Goodbye (y/n)!"

Then with that, (y/n) turned back and began to walk away. Iruka grinned as he felt very giddy and joyous to have gained a friend.

But his happiness soon flattened as heard footsteps catch up to him. One slinged an arm onto iruka and ruffled his hair.

"We found you! You doof! We have a mission today, have you forgotten?!" His teammates then saw Iruka's expression and questioned it.

But got no reply, they look the the direction to where he was looking and caught a glimpse of the silhouette of a familiar kid as it then disappears.

"Aww does the troublemaker have a crush?"

"Wait, isn't that (Y/n)?"

This made iruka snap his gaze to look at them as if they're crazy.

"Heh?! No i do not! He's just a new friend dammit!"

"'he' ? You don't know her?"


"That's the girl who has some kind of monster following her. She's quite dangerous. Best you shouldn't came near her. Or you'll get cursed like her"

Iruka was a confused. 'A girl huh?' he thought. Completely ignoring the warning part of the sentence. Then he was suddenly dragged by his shirt collar.

"Ah! Let me go! it was just a harmless prank!"

"No can do, Sensei will hear about and you'll be in so much trouble."

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