Chapter 10:The last day

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After two days of torture,my body wasn't feeling too well.My lungs felt like they where still filled with liquid the next day,and my face felt like it was going to peel off.I was in the worst physical condition I had ever been in.

Then why did I feel so fucking happy?I know it was the first time a girl had told something nice to me,but it didn't justify me grinning like an idiot.

On a more serious note,I kinda knew why I was so happy.The girl's words had made me feel better about myself,and the voice in my head had shut up. My policy had always been to act on instict,not logic,and this was no time to start questioning myself.

I needed to escape and get back to kirito.That idiot would probably be fine without me,but his social skills meant I was his only friend,and I wanted to provide him a shoulder to lean on,even if he didn't want one.

The sound of the door cracking open startled me,and I quickly put a frown on my face and put my head down.The man she had been gushing about had finally showed up.

He wore full plate mail armour today,with a red cloak stained with blood trailing behind him.His armour was stained with dried blood at certain places,and on his chest was a leather strap,filled with potion bottles.

He sneered."Well,well,well!Aren't you a stubborn one?Most of our "customers" crack as soon as gerald finishes with them.And if that doesn't do the trick,anna certainly makes them plead for mercy.I haven't had to work my magic on someone for a loooong time."

I said nothing,still pretending to be scared.He looked at me for a moment and smiled."Hey kid.Want to know a secret?"

I nodded,afraid of what would happen if I said no.The man slowly clapped."Looks like you're learning to survive this place!Good job!"

He leaned closer to me.He then turned his back to me and took his armour and shirt off.I really didn't know how to feel."Well if you are trying to seduce me,this isn't really working-".The words froze in my mouth.Wait,what was one of them doing here?!Why was I in the same room as this...thing?!

"What?Did your sharp tongue suddenly shrivel up and die?"The man flashed me a grin,his face still a mask of pure calm."You know,the laughing coffin guild was known for using paralysis potions.Do you want to know who taught them that?If you guess right,I'll give you a present!"

He seemed to be enjoying this.I was not."Stop this physiological warfare shit.Tell me why a murderer like you is here in the middle of the most fortified knights of the blood base as a captain!Did you lie to them?Are you a spy?"

The murderer covered his face with his hands,and sighed."I really thought you were smarter than this.There's no way old heathcliff would let a spy gain such an important role-at least not without a reason."

"Don't you get it!He invited me!He told me he would spare me if i came here and tortured a few people for him.How could I turn down an offer like that?It was like hitting the jackpot!"

He started to rock back and forth,seeming unaware of me."That is how one of the most irredeemable red players,gakuto "mad alchemist" tadano became a fully reformed member of the knights of the blood!Do you like my story?"

I tried to inch back in my chair.Whoever this man was,he didn't have his sanity.I inched away from him,knowing that whatever he was going to do would make the other two seem like little children.

The man seemed to be filled with anticipation as he took one of the vials from his strap."You might have been feeling a lot less pain lately.Many of the tough ones think that its a sign them becoming stronger and use that to fuel their willpower."

"But I'm sorry to inform you that you are still as weak as you ever were."The man paused for dramatic effect.

"In reality,the game is just trying to keep you from going into shock from all the pain you're experiencing.Kayaba doesn't want anyone to drop dead because of something like pain.Oh,no.But don't worry-the good alchemist will help you fix that."

He suddenly darted forward like a snake,striking my neck with a needle.He struck me square on,and my neck throbbed as he injected an unknown potion into my neck.

Then it hit me.All my pain,which felt like it was slowly fading away suddenly hit me in full force.I felt like I was burning alive,with my lungs being filled with blood.I felt my eyelids grow heavy.I started to close my eyes.

"Oh,no you don't!"The man lept forward,pulling a dagger out of his inventory.He lunged with the dagger,and drove it straight into my eye.He then drew it out,causing my body to start dissolving into polygons.

I cried out as a new explosion of pain rocked my body.My HP was rapidly dropping.This new level of pain was sapping my will to live.My breathing began to grow uneven.The man,meanwhile took out another potion and splashed it over my face.My eye healed itself over,and my HP was as good as new.

"This is how its going to work kid.I have 50 high level HP potions.That's 50 times I can chop your limbs off.So,let's start,shall we?"

The Exploiter (A Sword Art Online Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon