Chapter 6:NPC

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Kirito tapped on the hilt of his sword nervously as he waited outside the base of the knights of the blood oath.

While he wouldn't be caught dead outside of a guild base,the only reason he was here was to see his old friend,who should be dead.

He sighed,kicking himself off the wall he was leaning on.It had been two weeks since he had given up hope that Y/N was alive.

Then asuna had told him about how they had found a thin boy with a rare amulet,and kirito found himself hoping again.

As soon as he thought of her name,asuna appeared in front of him and she signaled for him to follow.

"Why the hell is it taking so long to see him?It's not like he's some criminal!"Kirito angrily muttered.

"Well,there are some things that...prevent us from releasing him."Asuna explained,while leading kirito through the gates and into the prison block.

"Like what?I know he's annoying,but apart from that,he's good intentioned."

Asuna didn't reply to him as she briskly walked through the corridors,maintaining an air of dignity and coldness that forced prisoners and soldiers alike to stiffen.

They stopped in front of a huge cast iron door,which looked like the largest cell in the entire prison.

"This is the solitary confinement chamber.Your innocent friend,as you call him,has tried to escape four times now."

Kirito scratched his head."Yeah,that sounds about right.But why is he here?"

Asuna turned to face him."Five days ago,we found him in the grasslands.His health was zero."

Kirito's heart skipped a beat."What..."

"Yes.His health was zero,but thankfully,it was a clearer squad that found him.They gave him a high level health potion,and his health went up.It was almost like he was given a second chance."

Asuna took out a heavy key out of her inventory."Just after we found him,heathcliff issued an order to look for a spear wielder with a rare amulet and a thin frame."

The door clanged open and asuna moved forward.

"Wait,"Kirito grabbed Asuna's arm to prevent her from turning away from him."What did he do?"

Asuna shot him a troubled gaze."While heathcliff refused to say anything,the rumor is that he attacked other players."

Asuna broke free from his grip and opened the second,thinner door and they finally reached Y/N's cell.

As soon as kirito saw him,he rushed forward and wrapped him in a hug.

"I thought I had lost you,you idiot,"he yelled,his eyes coming dangerous close to crying.

"There,there."Y/N consoled him."I'm too angry at akihiko kayaba to die."

Kirito kept pressing his face into his chest,as if he couldn't believe that Y/N was alive.
Kirito finally let go,and looked at me.

"Your hair,"Kirito asked,confused."Why is it grey?I though grey hair dye didn't exist in the game?"

Asuna smiled and sat down."He refused to tell us anything until he saw you.Now please,tell us your story and the reason for your  unnatural hair color."

"Well,the hair color part is easy.The game thinks I'm an NPC now,and so it randomly assigned me a hair colour according to my level."

"Wait-what?!"Kirito looked even more confused than before.

"Sit down,sit down,I going to tell you a story that will hopefully,explain everything."

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