Chapter 4:The exploit

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Agil growled in frustration as the dark elf he was facing off against dodged his axe for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"Agil,switch!"I cried out,and the axe wielder ran towards me.

We passed each other in the blink of an eye,an I rammed the point of my spear into the dark elf's waist,causing the monster to explode into a shower of red polygons,while agil cracked open the stone golem I was struggling against.

Kirito tossed agil a health portion,which he quickly downed.

"How much further do we need to go?You still haven't told us what we're supposed to do either!"agil snapped.

I held up my hands to passify him while kirito stood between us.

"Look,I know we've had a kinda bad day in the dungeon,which is mostly due to me.But cool down,we only have five floors left to fight through."

"Bad day?You almost killed us for that spear!"

I grinned while twirling my new weapon.It was surely a beauty-a random spawn named the sonnet of fire and ash.

It was a made with black flame treated oak,and almost seemed like it was grown by an oak tree,with two beautiful creepers carved into the shaft, girdling the spear.

"Its made our journey much easier,hasn't it?That's worth fighting through a couple of waves of enemies."I shrugged.

"Let's get going.I want to show you what I'm going to do as soon as possible."

The next couple of floors went by in a blur,with agil fighting like he was a viking berserker,and kirito moving and slashing even faster through enemies.

Finally,we reached our destination,the 45th floor.

After I had found a narrow enough passage,I took out the cauldron from my inventory,and filled it with water before placing it on a stand and lighting a fire under it.

Agil and kirito stared at me while I tossed more firewood into the fire.

I looked at them while tossing lemon grass and wolf's bane into the pot."There's a potion that not many players use because it's almost useless.That potion is the skill enhancement potion,which directly boosts the efficiency of all skills by 5%,and it lasts about for 10 seconds."

"The base portion is almost useless.But with the all the alchemy boosting items I have equipped,and the bonuses I get for brewing this in this legendary cauldron,this portion should last for about a minute now,and give me a 25% boost."

Kirito looked almost amused."So what sword skill are you going to use?"

I began to stir the potion faster and faster as it began to change color from being almost transparent to a light blue.

"I'm not going to use a sword skill.Do you know the spear skill teleport?"

Agil held up his hand to interject."You mean that useless skill that teleports you five steps forward,and prevents you from moving for five seconds?"

"Yep,that's the one.I'm going to try to move through the wall by spamming that skill."

"So what do we do?"Kirito questioned.

"The information broker told me that every monster in the floor started to move toward her after she glitched into the wall.So you two,"I pointed to them."Will be my personal bodyguards."

Both kirito and agil nodded at my words,and walked up to me.

"Good luck."Kirito said before he walked away.

"Try not to die!"Agil chuckled before moving to the other end of the corridor.

After they had left,I filled an empty bottle with the potion,and took a big gulp,emptying the bottle.

The skill enhancement buff appeared on the corner of my vision.

"Let's do this."I cracked my knuckles before standing in front of the wall.


My body magically moved forward and I found myself stuck in the wall.I smiled, satisfied.My plan was working.


The last thing I felt was a searing pain in my guts as my vision was filled with white.

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