Chapter 16:Duel

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I shielded my eyes from the now setting sun as I slowly made my way to where kirito was standing. He looked relaxed with his hands by his side,almost as if I wasn't enough of a threat for him.I felt a pang of irritation.I knew he was good at the game,but him acting so high and mighty was pissing me off.

"You really are dramatic,aren't you?Its just like you to fight me in the most thematically appropriate place possible.But even for you,a showdown between old friends in the ruins of a temple is too cliche."I shouted,grinning at him.

Kirito turned toward me,as if he had just noticed I was there.He looked at me as if he was in pain."Turn yourself in,Y/N.Stop this madness."

He pulled out his sword out of its sheath,and the temperature seemed to drop a couple of degrees around him.It was a blade darker than the night sky,its color a shade of black that seemed to consume all the surrounding light.The Elucidator.It was one of the strongest swords in the game,and it broke almost all the weapons that were not in equal quality to it.

Crap.If I fought him now,I was at a serious disadvantage.I hadn't anticipated that he'd find me this soon,so I didn't prepare any countermeasures.I was going to have to improvise.

"Fine,kirito,I'll turn myself in."

Kirito lowered his sword in complete confusion.This would have been the perfect time for a surprise attack,but I wasn't that despicable.I had a better plan that would work.Hopefully.

"But on one condition-you have to beat me in a duel."

Kirito broke character and scratched his head,before walking closer to me."And what happens if I win?"

"If you win,I'll turn myself in quietly,but if you lose,you have to promise to never hunt me down again."

Kirito closed his eyes and pondered my deal for sometime before he opened his player menu."I agree to the deal.Now let's get started."

While the game wouldn't keep my weapon from breaking during the duel,it would still equalize the stats of the participants,making the fight more fair.

Kirito moved into his stance,while I took out a sword from my inventory and stood at a distance from him.The timer began to count down,and the noise it made grew louder and louder the closer it got to zero.

The clock finally ticked down to zero,and kirito quickly moved forward,charging up a sword skill and going for my sword.I quickly dropped my sword,and took out a spear from my inventory instead.I saw the look of surprise on kirito's face,but it was already too late.He had gained too much momentum.I stabbed forward using a spear skill,aiming for kirito's torso.I heard a satisfying thunk as the spear found its mark.

Kirito jumped back,holding an arm to his midsection.Thanks to his quick reflexes,he had twisted at the very last moment,reducing the damage.But he had still lost a large chunk of his health.Just a few more good hits and he was done for.

Kirito took his stance again,and we locked eyes,circling each other.Kirito launched a flurry of basic combos at me,all of which I deflected.

"You can't win,kirito.I've been fighting nothing but players for the last two weeks,all while not sleeping.I've memorized all the sword combos."I taunted,trying to get kirito to break his guard.

He didn't even flinch.If we had both been fighting with swords,then he would have the upper hand,with his fast reflexes and experience.But I was using a spear,something that had more range than a sword and dealt more damage as well.This really was an unfair fight.

Our fight continued,and I constantly frustrated kirito using dirty tricks.Tricks like tossing a sword at him and using the red polygons that it dissolved into to hide his field of view,and using poison to weaken his damage output while I flanked him and hit his exposed left side with my spear. 

This might seem underhanded,but this wasn't a friendly contest.It was a fight for survival.In a fight for survival,the one who was more desperate always came out on top,and what am I if not desperate?

After a long and grueling fight,I hand finally cornered kirito.One last hit was all it was going to take to secure my freedom.I had been reduced to almost half of my hp,even with me cheesing our fight.There was no need to risk my victory now.

I picked up a sword off the ground,and aimed for kirito's head,before tossing it blade first.My victory was assured.

Then,kirito did something unexpected.He caught the sword.He then took a new,completely different stance that I had never seen before.

I laughed."What are you doin-"

I barely had time to finish my sentence as a flurry of slashes filled my vision.Cuts opened up all over my body as I found myself powerless against the new combo he was executing.

I fell to the ground as my strength left me.

"I hoped that I didn't have to use that skill.But I had no choice."I heard kirito say.

"Really?What kind of skill hits sixteen times...."I muttered before seeing the victory message above kirito's head.

I was in trouble.

Author's note:

To all those who managed to figure out who would win,here is your prize!

To all those who managed to figure out who would win,here is your prize!

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