Not long after we got there, a nurse had walked up to Bella and checked on her, “so how are you feeling?” I asked her, “I feel alright, thanks for coming with by the way” she said and I nodded, “no problem” I said and she smiled a little, “you know, it as weird because Edward had gotten to me so fat and stopped the Van with his bare hand” she said to me quietly, “oh, well I don’t know what to say about that to be honest” I told her even though I knew how Edward was able to do what he did and I soon noticed Charlie come into the large room,”Bella, you okay? You and I are going to talk. You alright?” he asked her before noticing me, “I’m fine dad calm down” Bella told him, “thanks Venus for staying with her by the way” Charlie said to me, “no problem” I said before he looked back at Bella, “I’m sorry Bella, I tried to stop” Tyler said to her, “I know it’s ok” she answered before Charlie spoke up, “n. It sure as hell is not ok.” Charlie said, “Dad, it wasn’t his fault,” Bella said, trying to defend Tyler, “should I leave or something?” I asked, feeling like I was in the middle of something, “no it’s fine” Bella said and I nodded, “you could have been killed. You understand that right?” Charlie told her, “yes. But I wasn’t so…” she said, “you can kiss your license goodbye” Charlie told Tyler before someone else walked in, “I heard the Chief's daughter was here” the man said as he walked up to us, “Dr. Cullen” Charlie spoke up, “I’ve got this one here Jackie” Dr. Cullen said to the woman before she walked away after giving him the clipboard, “Isabella” he spoke up as he looked through the pages, “Bella” she said, correcting him, “well Bella, it looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?” he asked her, “good” she answered before he had her follow a light, “you have a good friend if she was willing to come along and stay with you” he said to Bella, “yeah Venus is pretty great” Bella said, “Alice and Jasper had told me a lot about you” he mentioned and I smiled a little, “well it’s nice to finally meet you sir” I said as he nodded before getting back to Bella, “anyways, you might experience some Post-Traumatic stress or disorientation but your vitals look good. No signs of any head trauma. I think you’ll be just fine” Dr. Cullen told them, “I’m so sorry Bella, I’m-” Tyler began to say until he was cut off by Charlie closing the curtain, “you know, it would have been a whole lot worse if  Edward wasn’t there. He knocked me out of the way” Bella mentioned and both Dr. Cullen and I just looked at each other before he got back to writing, “Edward? Your boy?” Charlie asked, “yeah it was amazing. I mean he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me.” Bella told him, “well it looks like you were very lucky” Dr. Cullen said and I knew it was a coverup, “Charlie. Venus, do you mind coming with me for a second” he asked and I followed him feeling confused, “I was told by Jasper that he had told you about us correct?” he asked me, “yeah he did and I’m sure you’re not supposed to and all but I haven’t told anybody about you guys I swear” I said to him, “don’t worry, I know you won’t. I trust you to keep our secret and call me Carlisle” he said before we walked up to both Rose and Edward, “if this is a family thing, are you sure I should have come with you?” I asked Carlisle, “yes cause we might need your opinion” he said and I shrugged, “hey Rose” I said and she smiled and waved, “I only did what I did so that she didn’t get hurt” Edward said to Carlisle, “yeah but that doesn’t excuse the fact you could have exposed up to the entire school” Rose said with anger in her voice, “at least you were lucky enough that nobody really cared to pay attention to be honest considering they were all wondering if Bella and Tyler were alright” I mentioned to them, “what was I supposed to do, just let her die?” Edward said, “this isn’t just about you. It’s about all of us” Rose told Edward, “I think we should take this in my office” Carlisle said before I soon turned to see what they were looking at and saw Bella standing there, “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Bella asked Edward, “Rosalie, Venus” Carlisle said and the three of us walked away and headed to his office.

By the time we got there, I texted my mom telling her what happened before we walked into the room, “who were you texting” Carlisle asked as I put my phone away, “Oh, I was telling my mom what had happened earlier today, don’t worry, I didn’t say anything other than the fact that Bella was almost crushed by a Van” I told them and they both nodded, “anyways, I’m sure Bella is curious about Edward now, considering how he decided to get to Bella before the Van caught up to them” Carlisle said with a sigh, “yeah but, considering he had done it in public. Anybody at the school could have seen it would be wondering and that’s dangerous for us” Rose said to Carlisle, “well, considering he had left before everyone began crowding around, my guess is still what it was before since I didn’t really hear anyone asking about how the Van was stopped” I said and Carlisle nodded, “I’m going to have to agree with Veus on this in hopes that Bella doesn’t find out so soon” Carlisle said to Rose, “I hope she doesn’t to be honest because I trust Venus more then Isabella at the moment” Rose said to Carlisle, and the room was silent, “do you need a ride home” Rose asked me, “no I’m alright, my mom just got back saying she was on her way. Thanks though”  said and she nodded before she walked out of the room, “well I should get back to work now. It was nice meeting you Venus” Carlisle said as we both walked out of the room, “it was nice meeting you to” I said back to him before we went our separate ways and I soon walked out of the Hospital to see my mom and I soon got in, “hey how is she doing? Is Bella alright?” my mom asked, “yeah, she’s fine” I told her as we left the Hospital and headed home for the day. By the time we had gotten home, I had gotten straight to my room and dropped everything before falling on my bed after opening my window for Jasper and I soon fell asleep. Later on I had woken up to see Jasper there and I smiled to myself as I cuddled closer to him, “how did you sleep” he asked and I groaned, “alright” I said to him, “I think your mother finished making dinner” he mentioned, “but I don’t want to leave” I said and he chuckled before  heard my mom calling for me, “go, I’ll still be here when you’re done” he said before I got up and kissed him before I headed downstairs and I ate and when I finished, I headed back up stairs after talking with my mom to soon see Jasper was still on my bed and I smiled before I decided to grab something to change into for the night and I just laid with him as the both of us just talked until I had fallen asleep in his arms.

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