Chapter 13

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  As soon as it clocked eight a.m the next morning,I quickly exited the house and boarded a cab since my driver has not arrived.

I couldn't sleep last night as I kept on ruminating on how to explain the whole ordeal to Abby.

I alighted from the cab and walked quickly to Abby's house. Taking a deep breath before knocking.
  Cole opened up and I could see a hint of displeasure in his face.

"Where is Abby?" I asked

  He hesitated before answering "In her room"

  "I'll go meet her" I bowed slightly and took a step when he drew my arm back.

"She really wants to be alone. Could you come another time"

"I really have to explain things to her"

"She is not in the mood,come back later"

"What's up with her. I just don't get it" I declared.

"What's up with her? Girl,you lied to played with her intelligence. If there's one thing that Abby hate is lying. If you are her friend,you should know that"

"I..I know" I gulped sadly.

  "She made me realize that she shared everything with you but you never shared a thing with her"

"I just couldn't babble out my family problem"

"Oh yeah..but you could play with my intelligence" Abby interfered as she came towards me .

"Look Abby,I never wanted to keep it away from you but I had to"

"Of course and played me. I definitely looked like a dumbass the day I came to your house. You guys would have definitely made fun of my foolishness"

"Okay,I don't get why you are worked up for no reason. This is about me. Fine,I didn't tell you which means you should fucking respect my wish"

" even cussed"

"Look Abby,I understand that you are mad but you should at least understand where I'm coming from"

"You could have told me. I wasn't going to bite or bail on you."

"I'm sorry that I didn't trust you. It was hard for me, okay. "

"I need some space"


"Yeah, let's have a break. "

  "B-b-bhh...we are friends"

  "And I said let our friendship have a break"

"You are my best friend..."

  "I know but I need to sort this out"

  "Sort this out...I should be the one feeling that don't have the right to be mad" I answered angrily.

  "I..I don't, right! Heaven,I'm hurt because you cared less about our friendship"

  "And I'm saying I'm sorry for the umpteenth time"

"You can't just say 'sorry' and then expect everything to be fine. It doesn't like that."

This is it,I have to give her a piece of my freaking mind.
"Are you kidding me? Stop acting like the victim here. Do you know what I face every day? No,you don't. Yeah, let's give it a break. Have a nice day!"I countered and took my leave without taking another glance at her.

Cassie POV

I was relaxing in my room when Heaven barged in.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I asked angrily.

  "You!" She pointed a finger at me. "You caused it,now Abby is not friends with me anymore" she cried as a year rolled down her cheek .

"Was I the one that fell you guys apart? No,I wasn't. Pls,get your ass out of my room"

"Why are you bent on ruining my life? First,you eliminated my mum..Then,you married my dad and now,you made my friend turn her back on me."

"Stop laying false accusations on me" I cried.

  "What have I done to you,huh?"

  "You did nothing" I calmly said trying to keep my cool.

"Then leave us alone...leave my dad and I. You've caused us a lot of sorrows... isn't that enough for you? Just get your filthy self out of our lives.."

"I've had enough" i screamed and she flinched. "What is wrong with you? Why do you always find a way to shift your fault on someone else?"

  "Me! When did I ever shift a blame?"

"You shifted your mum's death on me. Your friend ditched you and now you are shifting the blame on me. Why can't you own up to your faults? Stop being worthless and accept that you are wrong"

"If you leave my dad, I'll start being useful. Let just  say you are the reason why I can't own up to my faults and also the reason why my life is a mess"

I walked closer to her and leaned towards her ear. "I should inform your dad not to have hope in you cause you've decided to be useless forever because I'm never going to leave Greg till the end."

  "Go to hell... besides that is where your brother,the devil is"

My face turned into a frown "What did you just say?"

  "Oh,I made a thorough research about you and found out that you are the devil's sister. You share same qualities" she smiled evily.

"I also did some findings about you and found out that you are the devil's daughter. You inherited all qualities of the devil. No wonder you are not one to be reckoned with" I smirked.

  Her face stopped smiling and I saw her clutch her hands in anger.

"Cassie whatsoever is your middle name,I'm going to get you one day. Your days are numbered in this house" she threatened and wiped off the tear that was threatening to roll down her eye.

"Common, don't be such a crybaby,huh. I mean to ask...are you hurt?" She glared at me and I stifled a laughter. "That is how I felt when your mum hurt me but I am not one who takes revenge. Sadly,you hated me for no reason... like hello do you hate an innocent person?"

"You?" She laughed "You are in no way innocent. You are a bitchy witch"

"Gosh, you've given me another name. Seriously,are you even balanced,hell no! Girl, what you need now is a therapist,if you want I could recommend one to you"

"Fuck you! Fuck everything you have! I damn hate you" she cried.

  "Sshh... language dear... language" I shushed.

She bit her lip which I'm damn sure bled. She shook her head disapprovingly before taking her leave.

Why does she misunderstands me?

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